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Meaning of IMMOVABLE

Pronunciation:  i'moovubul

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  not able or intended to be moved; "the immovable hills"
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 Synonyms: immobile, immoveable, stabile, unmovable



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Im*mov"a*ble\, a.
    1. Incapable of being moved; firmly fixed; fast; -- used of
       material things; as, an immovable foundatin.
             Immovable, infixed, and frozen round. --Milton.
    2. Steadfast; fixed; unalterable; unchangeable; -- used of
       the mind or will; as, an immovable purpose, or a man who
       remain immovable.
    3. Not capable of being affected or moved in feeling or by
       sympathy; unimpressible; impassive. --Dryden.
    4. (Law.) Not liable to be removed; permanent in place or
       tenure; fixed; as, an immovable estate. See {Immovable},
       n. --Blackstone.
    {Immovable apparatus} (Med.), an appliance, like the plaster
       of paris bandage, which keeps fractured parts firmly in
    {Immovable feasts} (Eccl.), feasts which occur on a certain
       day of the year and do not depend on the date of Easter;
       as, Christmas, the Epiphany, etc.
  2. \Im*mov"a*ble\, n.
    1. That which can not be moved.
    2. pl. (Civil Law) Lands and things adherent thereto by
       nature, as trees; by the hand of man, as buildings and
       their accessories; by their destination, as seeds, plants,
       manure, etc.; or by the objects to which they are applied,
       as servitudes. --Ayliffe. --Bouvier.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adamant, adamantine, affectless, anchored, anesthetized, arctic, at a standstill, autistic, blunt, cast-iron, catatonic, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldhearted, constant, cool, determined, dispassionate, dogged, dour, drugged, dull, emotionally dead, emotionless, fast, firm, fixed, flinty, frigid, frosted, frosty, frozen, grim, hard, hard-core, heartless, icy, immobile, immotile, immotive, immutable, impassible, impassive, implacable, impliable, inalterable, inductile, inelastic, inexcitable, inexorable, inextensible, inextensile, inextensional, inflexible, insusceptible, intractable, intractile, intransigent, invariable, iron, irreconcilable, irremovable, irresilient, loyal, motionless, nonelastic, nonemotional, nonstretchable, obdurate, objective, obtuse, out of touch, passionless, pat, relentless, resolute, rigid, rigorous, riveted, rock-ribbed, rooted, self-absorbed, set, settled, sot, soulless, spiritless, stable, standpat, stationary, staunch, steadfast, steady, steely, stern, stiff, stony, stubborn, stuck, true, unaffected, unaffectionate, unalterable, unbending, unchangeable, uncompromising, undeflectable, unemotional, unextendible, unextensible, unfeeling, unflappable, unflexible, unflinching, ungiving, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, unlimber, unloving, unmalleable, unmodifiable, unmovable, unmoved, unmoving, unpassionate, unpliable, unpliant, unrelenting, unresponding, unresponsive, unshakable, unshakeable, unshaken, unsusceptible, unswerving, unsympathetic, untouchable, untractable, unwavering, unyielding