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Meaning of INCAPABLE

Pronunciation:  in'keypubul

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him"
  2. [adj]  (followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability; "incapable of carrying a tune"; "he is incapable of understanding the matter"; "incapable of doing the work"
  3. [adj]  (followed by `of') not having the temperament or inclination for; "simply incapable of lying"
  4. [adj]  lacking the necessary skill or knowledge etc.; "an incapable helper"
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 Synonyms: inadequate, incompetent, unable(p), unequal to(p), unqualified
 Antonyms: capable



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \In*ca"pa*ble\, a. [Pref. in- not + capable: cf. F.
    incapable, L. incapabilis incomprehensible.]
    1. Wanting in ability or qualification for the purpose or end
       in view; not large enough to contain or hold; deficient in
       physical strength, mental or moral power, etc.; not
       capable; as, incapable of holding a certain quantity of
       liquid; incapable of endurance, of comprehension, of
       perseverance, of reform, etc.
    2. Not capable of being brought to do or perform, because
       morally strong or well disposed; -- used with reference to
       some evil; as, incapable of wrong, dishonesty, or
    3. Not in a state to receive; not receptive; not susceptible;
       not able to admit; as, incapable of pain, or pleasure;
       incapable of stain or injury.
    4. (Law) Unqualified or disqualified, in a legal sense; as, a
       man under thirty-five years of age is incapable of holding
       the office of president of the United States; a person
       convicted on impeachment is thereby made incapable of
       holding an office of profit or honor under the government.
    5. (Mil.) As a term of disgrace, sometimes annexed to a
       sentence when an officer has been cashiered and rendered
       incapable of serving his country.
    Note: Incapable is often used elliptically.
                Is not your father grown incapable of reasonable
                affairs?                           --Shak.
    Syn: Incompetent; unfit; unable; insufficient; inadequate;
         deficient; disqualified. See {Incompetent}.
  2. \In*ca"pa*ble\, n.
    One who is morally or mentally weak or inefficient; an
    imbecile; a simpleton.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: amputee, cripple, defective, deformity, disqualified, dull tool, greenhorn, handicapped person, idiot, ill-equipped, ill-fitted, ill-furnished, ill-provided, ill-qualified, imbecile, impervious to, inadequate, incapable of, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, inept, inferior, maladjusted, mediocrity, no conjuror, not equal to, not up to, paralytic, paraplegic, quadriplegic, the crippled, the handicapped, unable, unable to, unadapted, unadjusted, unarmed, unendowed, unequal to, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, ungifted, unprovided, unqualified, unsuited, untalented