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Meaning of LYING

Pronunciation:  'lIing

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
 Synonyms: fabrication, prevarication
 See Also: falsification, fibbing, misrepresentaation, paltering



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ly"ing\, p. pr. & vb. n.
    of {Lie}, to tell a falsehood.
  2. \Ly"ing\, p. pr. & vb. n.
    of {Lie}, to be supported horizontally.
    {Lying panel} (Arch.), a panel in which the grain of the wood
       is horizontal. [R.]
    {Lying to} (Naut.), having the sails so disposed as to
       counteract each other.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accubation, accumbency, accumbent, couchancy, couchant, couche, crawling, credibility gap, debasement, deceit, deceitful, deceptive, decumbency, decumbent, delusive, delusory, depression, dishonest, dishonesty, draped, duplicitous, duplicity, equivocal, false, falsehood, falsification, fibbery, fibbing, flat, forsworn, groveling, hypocritical, knavish, loll, lolling, lounging, lowness, lying down, mendacious, mendaciousness, mendacity, misleading, mythomania, perfidious, perjured, perjury, prevaricating, prevarication, procumbent, prone, proneness, prostrate, prostration, pseudology, reclination, reclining, recumbency, recumbent, repose, reposing, resupine, roguish, shifty, shortness, sprawl, sprawled, sprawling, spread, squatness, squattiness, stumpiness, subjacency, supine, supineness, treacherous, truthless, truthlessness, untruthful, untruthfulness, unveracious, unveraciousness, wrong