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Meaning of SUPINE

Pronunciation:  [adj]soo'pIn, [n]'soopIn, 'soopIn

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  lying face upward
  2. [adj]  offering no resistance; "resistless hostages"; "No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried"- Theodore Roosevelt
 Synonyms: inactive, passive, resistless, resupine, unerect, unresisting



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Su*pine"\, a. [L. supinus, akin to sub under, super
    above. Cf. {Sub-}, {Super-}.]
    1. Lying on the back, or with the face upward; -- opposed to
    2. Leaning backward, or inclining with exposure to the sun;
       sloping; inclined.
             If the vine On rising ground be placed, or hills
             supine.                               --Dryden.
    3. Negligent; heedless; indolent; listless.
             He became pusillanimous and supine, and openly
             exposed to any temptation.            --Woodward.
    Syn: Negligent; heedless; indolent; thoughtless; inattentive;
         listless; careless; drowsy. -- {Su*pine"ly}, adv. --
         {Su*pine"ness}, n.
  2. \Su"pine\, n. [L. supinum (sc. verbum), from supinus bent
    or thrown backward, perhaps so called because, although
    furnished with substantive case endings, it rests or falls
    back, as it were, on the verb: cf. F. supin.] (Lat. Gram.)
    A verbal noun; or (according to C.F.Becker), a case of the
    infinitive mood ending in -um and -u, that in -um being
    sometimes called the former supine, and that in -u the latter
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Lying on the back.