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Pronunciation:  'folsufu'keyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of determining that something is false
  2. [n]  the act of rendering something false as by fraudulent changes (of documents or measures etc.) or counterfeiting
  3. [n]  a willful perversion of facts
  4. [n]  any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something
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 Synonyms: disproof, disproof, falsehood, falsifying, misrepresentaation, refutation, refutation
 See Also: actus reus, confutation, counterexample, deceit, deception, determination, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, distortion, equivocation, evidence, fabrication, finding, forgery, frame-up, grounds, knavery, lying, misconduct, overrefinement, prevarication, reductio, reductio ad absurdum, setup, sophistication, straining, tergiversation, torture, twisting, wrongdoing, wrongful conduct



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Fal`si*fi*ca"tion\, n. [Cf. F. falsification.]
1. The act of falsifying, or making false; a counterfeiting;
   the giving to a thing an appearance of something which it
   is not.
         To counterfeit the living image of king in his
         person exceedeth all falsifications.  --Bacon.
2. Willful misstatement or misrepresentation.
         Extreme necessity . . . forced him upon this bold
         and violent falsification of the doctrine of the
         alliance.                             --Bp.
3. (Equity) The showing an item of charge in an account to be
   wrong. --Story.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstractionism, coloring, confabulation, deformation, distortion, equivocation, exaggeration, expressionism, false coloring, false swearing, falsifying, garbling, hyperbole, inaccuracy, injustice, litotes, miscoloring, misconstruction, misdrawing, mispainting, misquotation, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatement, misteaching, nonrealism, overdrawing, overstatement, perjury, perversion, prevarication, slanting, straining, twisting, understatement