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Meaning of DRAIN

Pronunciation:  dreyn

Matching Terms:  Drail, drain basket, drain the cup, Drainable, Drainage, drainage area, drainage basin, drainage density, drainage ditch, drainage system, drainboard, Draine, drained, Drainer, draining, draining board, drainpipe, drainplug, Draintile, Draintrap

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a drain in your dream means your need to release and channel your emotions. You should not kept you feeling inside. Alternatively, it may represent a wasted effort or loss. Consider the dream to also be a pun on something that may be draining you of your energy.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abate, ablate, ablation, abrade, abridge, absorb, absorption, abstract, abuse, achromatize, acquire, air-dry, anhydrate, assimilate, assimilation, attrition, bake, bankrupt, bate, bereave, blackmail, blanch, bleach, bleed, bleed white, blot, blow, blow out, bog, broach, brush, bugger, burn, burn up, burning up, call, call for, catch up, cesspool, channel, claim, clap hands on, clasp, claw, clean out, clear, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear the decks, clench, clinch, cloaca, cloaca maxima, clutch, conduit, consume, consumption, contribution, cripple, culvert, cure, curtail, cut off, debilitate, decant, decolor, decolorize, decrease, decrement, deduct, de-energize, defecate, defluxion, dehumidify, dehydrate, demand, demand for, denude, deplete, depletion, deplume, depreciate, depreciation, depress, deprive, deprive of, derogate, desiccate, despoil, detract, digest, digestion, dim, diminish, disable, disbursement, discharge, discolor, disenable, disentitle, disparage, displume, dissipate, dissipation, ditch, divest, down the drain, draft, draft off, drag, drain of color, drain of resources, drain off, drain out, drainage, draw, draw down, draw from, draw off, drench, dribble away, drink up, drip, dry, dull, dump, duty, ease one of, eat, eat away, eat up, eating up, ebb, effluence, efflux, effluxion, effusion, eliminate, embrace, empty, empty out, enfeeble, ennui, erode, erosion, etiolate, evacuate, evaporate, evaporation, exaction, exhalation, exhaust, exhaustion, expend, expending, expenditure, exploit, exsiccate, extortion, extortionate demand, extract, fade, fatigue, file away, find vent, finish, finish off, finishing, fire, flay, fleece, flow, flow out, flowoff, fume, garbage dump, get, get hold of, glom on to, gobble, gobble up, gone, grab, grab hold of, grapple, grasp, grip, gripe, gush, gush out, gutter, hamstring, headchute, heavy demand, hors de combat, hug, ill-use, impair, impose upon, imposition, impost, impoverish, impoverishment, inactivate, incapacitate, indent, ingest, ingestion, insistent demand, insolate, jade, jet, kennel, kibosh, kiln, lame, lay hands on, lay hold of, leach, leakage, leave, lessen, let, let blood, let out, levy, lighten one of, loot, lost, maim, make use of, manipulate, marsh, milk, mine, mire, misuse, mummify, nail, nip, nip up, nonnegotiable demand, notice, ooze, oppress, order, outfall, outflow, outflowing, outgo, outlet, outpour, outpouring, pale, pall, palm, parch, partake, peroxide, phlebotomize, pick clean, pillage, pipe, pipette, piscina, play on, pluck, pocket, possess, pour, pour out, presume upon, pump, pump out, purge, purify, put, quaff, quagmire, queer, queer the works, receive, reduce, reduction, refine, remove, requirement, requisition, retrench, rub, rub away, run out, runoff, rush, rush order, sabotage, sap, sapping, scorch, scour out, scupper, sear, seep, seize, septic tank, sewer, shear, shorten, shrink, shrinkage, shrivel, sink, siphon, siphon off, skin, sluice, sluice out, smoke, snap up, snatch, soak up, sough, spend, spending, spew out, spike, sponge, spout, spout out, spurt, squander, squandering, steal, strain, strip, strip bare, stroke, subduct, subtract, suck, suck dry, suck out, sump, sun, sun-dry, surge, swab, swallow, swallow up, swamp, sweep out, swill, take, take advantage of, take away, take away from, take by assault, take by storm, take from, take hold of, take possession, tap, tarnish, tax, taxing, thin, thin out, thrown away, tire, tone down, torrefy, towel, trench, tribute, trickle, ultimatum, unclog, unfit, unfoul, up the spout, use, use ill, use up, using, using up, venesect, vent, void, vomit forth, warning, wash out, wastage, waste, waste away, wasted, wastefulness, wasting away, watercourse, weaken, wear, wear away, wear down, wearing, wearing away, wearing down, weary, weazen, weed, weigh, well, well out, whip up, whiten, wing, wipe, withdraw, withdrawal, wither, wizen, work on, work upon, wreck