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Meaning of INGESTION

Pronunciation:  in'jestshun

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)
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 Synonyms: consumption, intake, uptake
 See Also: activity, bodily function, bodily process, body process, deglutition, drink, drinking, eating, feeding, imbibing, imbibition, suck, sucking, suction, swallow



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\In*ges"tion\, n. [L. ingestio: cf. F. ingestion.]
The act of taking or putting into the stomach; as, the
ingestion of milk or other food.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Taking food, water, or medicine into the body by mouth.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ablation, absorption, appetite, assimilation, attrition, bile, burning up, cannibalism, carnivorism, carnivority, carnivorousness, chewing, consumption, cropping, deglutition, depletion, devouring, devourment, dieting, digestion, digestive system, dining, drain, drinking, eating, eating up, engorgement, engulfment, epulation, erosion, exhaustion, expending, expenditure, feasting, feeding, finishing, gastric juice, gastrointestinal tract, gluttony, gobbling, grazing, gulp, gulping, herbivorism, herbivority, herbivorousness, hunger, imbibing, imbibition, impoverishment, ingurgitation, intestinal juice, licking, liver, manducation, mastication, messing, munching, nibbling, nutrition, omnivorism, omnivorousness, omophagy, pancreas, pancreatic digestion, pancreatic juice, pantophagy, pasture, pasturing, pecking, predigestion, regalement, relishing, rumination, saliva, salivary digestion, salivary glands, savoring, secondary digestion, slurp, soaking-up, spending, squandering, swallow, swallowing, taking-in, tasting, using up, vegetarianism, wastage, waste, wastefulness, wasting away, wearing away, wearing down, wolfing