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Meaning of SCUPPER

Pronunciation:  'skupur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  drain that allows water on the deck of a vessel to flow overboard
  2. [v]  put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position
  3. [v]  wait in hiding to attack
 Synonyms: ambuscade, ambush, bushwhack, endanger, expose, lie in wait, lurk, peril, queer, waylay
 See Also: affect, bear on, bear upon, compromise, drain, drainpipe, impact, subject, touch, touch on, wait, waste pipe



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Scup"per\, n. [OF. escopir, escupir, to spit, perhaps
for escospir, L. ex + conspuere to spit upon; pref. con- +
spuere to spit. Cf. {Spit}, v.] (Naut.)
An opening cut through the waterway and bulwarks of a ship,
so that water falling on deck may flow overboard; -- called
also {scupper hole}.
{Scupper hose} (Naut.), a pipe of leather, canvas, etc.,
   attached to the mouth of the scuppers, on the outside of a
   vessel, to prevent the water from entering. --Totten.
{Scupper nail} (Naut.), a nail with a very broad head, for
   securing the edge of the hose to the scupper.
{Scupper plug} (Naut.), a plug to stop a scupper. --Totten.