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Meaning of SHAVE

Pronunciation:  sheyv

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of removing hair with a razor
  2. [v]  remove body hair with a razor
  3. [v]  touch the surface of lightly; "His back shaved the counter in passing"
  4. [v]  cut closely; "trim my beard"
  5. [v]  make shavings of or reduce to shavings; "shave the radish"
  6. [v]  cut slices from; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
  7. [v]  cut the price of
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 Synonyms: knock off, plane, shaving, trim
 See Also: bring down, carve, crease, cut, cut, cut back, cut down, cut up, depilation, epilation, fleece, graze, groom, mark down, neaten, rake, razor, reduce, shear, skive, tonsure, tonsure, trim, trim back, trim down



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Shave\,
    obs. p. p. of {Shave}. --Chaucer.
          His beard was shave as nigh as ever he can. --Chaucer.
  2. \Shave\, v. t. [imp. {Shaved};p. p. {Shaved} or {Shaven};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Shaving}.] [OE. shaven, schaven, AS. scafan,
    sceafan; akin to D. schaven, G. schaben, Icel. skafa, Sw.
    skafva, Dan. skave, Goth. scaban, Russ. kopate to dig, Gr.
    ????, and probably to L. scabere to scratch, to scrape. Cf.
    {Scab}, {Shaft}, {Shape}.]
    1. To cut or pare off from the surface of a body with a razor
       or other edged instrument; to cut off closely, as with a
       razor; as, to shave the beard.
    2. To make bare or smooth by cutting off closely the surface,
       or surface covering, of; especially, to remove the hair
       from with a razor or other sharp instrument; to take off
       the beard or hair of; as, to shave the face or the crown
       of the head; he shaved himself.
             I'll shave your crown for this.       --Shak.
             The laborer with the bending scythe is seen Shaving
             the surface of the waving green.      --Gay.
    3. To cut off thin slices from; to cut in thin slices.
             Plants bruised or shaven in leaf or root. --Bacon.
    4. To skim along or near the surface of; to pass close to, or
       touch lightly, in passing.
             Now shaves with level wing the deep.  --Milton.
    5. To strip; to plunder; to fleece. [Colloq.]
    {To shave a note}, to buy it at a discount greater than the
       legal rate of interest, or to deduct in discounting it
       more than the legal rate allows. [Cant, U.S.]
  3. \Shave\, v. i.
    To use a razor for removing the beard; to cut closely; hence,
    to be hard and severe in a bargain; to practice extortion; to
  4. \Shave\, n. [AS. scafa, sceafa, a sort of knife. See
    {Shave}, v. t.]
    1. A thin slice; a shaving. --Wright.
    2. A cutting of the beard; the operation of shaving.
       (a) An exorbitant discount on a note. [Cant, U.S.]
       (b) A premium paid for an extension of the time of
           delivery or payment, or for the right to vary a stock
           contract in any particular. [Cant, U.S.] --N. Biddle.
    4. A hand tool consisting of a sharp blade with a handle at
       each end; a drawing knife; a spokeshave.
    5. The act of passing very near to, so as almost to graze;
       as, the bullet missed by a close shave. [Colloq.]
    {Shave grass} (Bot.), the scouring rush. See the Note under
    {Shave hook}, a tool for scraping metals, consisting of a
       sharp-edged triangular steel plate attached to a shank and
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are shaving, suggests that you are making a minor life-changing decision. Some aspect of your daily routine is being altered. Alternatively, it may represent your severe attitude or self-punishment. Dreaming that someone is shaving your leg, represents a lost of your independence. You are relying on others to get you through some difficult times. You need to build up your self-confidence and self-esteem. Seeing someone shaving in your dream indicates that there is some conflict in your self-image. Perhaps what you portray or project does not match who you really are inside.