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Meaning of CUP

Pronunciation:  kup

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle; "he put the cup back in the saucer"; "the handle of the cup was missing"
  2. [n]  a large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition; "the school kept the cups is a special glass case"
  3. [n]  the hole (or metal container in the hole) on a golf green; "he swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away"; "put the flag back in the cup"
  4. [n]  a punch served in a pitcher instead of a punch bowl
  5. [n]  cup-shaped plant organ
  6. [n]  a United States liquid unit equal to 8 fluid ounces
  7. [n]  the quantity a cup will hold; "he drank a cup of coffee"; "he borrowed a cup of sugar"
  8. [n]  any cup-shaped concavity; "bees filled the waxen cups with honey"; "he wore a jock strap with a metal cup"; "the cup of her bra"
  9. [v]  treat by cupping
  10. [v]  put into a cup
  11. [v]  form into the shape of a cup; "She cupped her hands"
 Synonyms: cupful, loving cup, transfuse
 See Also: acorn cup, beaker, care for, chalice, champagne cup, claret cup, coffee cup, concave shape, concavity, container, containerful, crockery, cupule, cylix, Davis Cup, dishware, Dixie cup, drinking cup, enclose, form, gill, goblet, grace cup, hole, inclose, incurvation, incurvature, insert, introduce, kylix, measuring cup, moustache cup, mustache cup, paper cup, pint, plant organ, prize, punch, put in, scyphus, shape, stick in, teacup, treat, trophy, United States liquid unit



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Cup\ (k[u^]p), n. [AS. cuppe, LL. cuppa cup; cf. L. cupa
    tub, cask; cf. also Gr. ky`ph hut, Skr. k[=u]pa pit, hollow,
    OSlav. kupa cup. Cf. {Coop}, {Cupola}, {Cowl} a water vessel,
    and {Cob}, {Coif}, {Cop}.]
    1. A small vessel, used commonly to drink from; as, a tin
       cup, a silver cup, a wine cup; especially, in modern
       times, the pottery or porcelain vessel, commonly with a
       handle, used with a saucer in drinking tea, coffee, and
       the like.
    2. The contents of such a vessel; a cupful.
             Give me a cup of sack, boy.           --Shak.
    3. pl. Repeated potations; social or excessive indulgence in
       intoxicating drinks; revelry.
             Thence from cups to civil broils.     --Milton.
    4. That which is to be received or indured; that which is
       allotted to one; a portion.
             O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass
             from me.                              --Matt. xxvi.
    5. Anything shaped like a cup; as, the cup of an acorn, or of
       a flower.
             The cowslip's golden cup no more I see. --Shenstone.
    6. (Med.) A cupping glass or other vessel or instrument used
       to produce the vacuum in cupping.
    {Cup and ball}, a familiar toy of children, having a cup on
       the top of a piece of wood to which, a ball is attached by
       a cord; the ball, being thrown up, is to be caught in the
       cup; bilboquet. --Milman.
    {Cup and can}, familiar companions.
    {Dry cup}, {Wet cup} (Med.), a cup used for dry or wet
       cupping. See under {Cupping}.
    {To be in one's cups}, to be drunk.
  2. \Cup\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cupped} (k[u^]pt); p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Cupping}.]
    1. To supply with cups of wine. [R.]
             Cup us, till the world go round.      --Shak.
    2. (Surg.) To apply a cupping apparatus to; to subject to the
       operation of cupping. See {Cupping}.
    3. (Mech.) To make concave or in the form of a cup; as, to
       cup the end of a screw.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a cup in your dream, represents nurturance and the womb. The cup may also signify healing, rejuvenation, and healing. Alternatively, it indicates a transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness. Is the cup half-full or half-empty? Do you see life from an optimistic or pessimistic point of view. Seeing a cup with a broken handle indicates your feelings of inadequacy and anxieties of being unable to handle a particular situation. Seeing a broken cup in your dream means feelings of powerlessness, guilt and/or low self-esteem. Perhaps you feel unqualified or inadequate in dealing with a situation.
Easton Bible Dictionary

a wine-cup (Gen. 40:11, 21), various forms of which are found on Assyrian and Egyptian monuments. All Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold (1 Kings 10: 21). The cups mentioned in the New Testament were made after Roman and Greek models, and were sometimes of gold (Rev. 17:4).

The art of divining by means of a cup was practiced in Egypt (Gen. 44:2-17), and in the East generally.

The "cup of salvation" (Ps. 116:13) is the cup of thanksgiving for the great salvation. The "cup of consolation" (Jer. 16:7) refers to the custom of friends sending viands and wine to console relatives in mourning (Prov. 31:6). In 1 Cor. 10:16, the "cup of blessing" is contrasted with the "cup of devils" (1 Cor. 10:21). The sacramental cup is the "cup of blessing," because of blessing pronounced over it (Matt. 26:27; Luke 22:17). The "portion of the cup" (Ps. 11:6; 16:5) denotes one's condition of life, prosperous or adverse. A "cup" is also a type of sensual allurement (Jer. 51:7; Prov. 23:31; Rev. 17:4). We read also of the "cup of astonishment," the "cup of trembling," and the "cup of God's wrath" (Ps. 75:8; Isa. 51:17; Jer. 25:15; Lam. 4:21; Ezek. 23:32; Rev. 16:19; comp. Matt. 26:39, 42; John 18:11). The cup is also the symbol of death (Matt. 16:28; Mark 9:1; Heb. 2:9).

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alveolation, alveolus, antrum, appointed lot, arch, armpit, astral influences, astrology, bail, barrow, basin, bays, beaker, blackjack, bleed, book of fate, boundary stone, bowl, brass, bucket, bust, cairn, cave, cave in, cavity, cenotaph, chalice, chaplet, civic crown, coffee cup, column, concave, concavity, constellation, crater, cromlech, cross, crown, crypt, cyclolith, decant, depression, destination, destiny, dies funestis, dip, dish, dish out, dish up, dolmen, doom, eggcup, end, fatality, fate, fold, follicle, footstone, foredoom, fork, fortune, Friday, Friday the thirteenth, funnel chest, future, garland, give a transfusion, glass, goblet, grave, gravestone, headstone, highball glass, hoarstone, hole, hollow, hollow out, hollow shell, horn, ides of March, incurve, inevitability, inscription, jigger, kismet, lacuna, ladle, laurel, laurels, leech, let blood, lot, loving cup, marker, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, moira, monolith, monument, mound, mug, necrology, noggin, obelisk, obituary, Old Mug, palm, palms, perfuse, phlebotomize, pillar, pit, planets, plaque, pocket, pony, portion, pot, pour, prize, punch bowl, pyramid, reliquary, remembrance, retire, retreat, ribbon, rostral column, schooner, schooper, scoop, shaft, shell, shot glass, shovel, shrine, sink, sinus, socket, spade, spoon, stars, stein, stela, stone, stupa, tablet, tankard, tassie, teacup, testimonial, tomb, tombstone, tope, transfuse, trophy, trough, tumbler, unlucky day, vug, weird, wheel of fortune, will of Heaven, wineglass, wreath