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Meaning of BRICK

Pronunciation:  brik

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln; used as a building or paving material
  2. [n]  a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy
  3. [adj]  paved with brick; "follow the yellow brick road"
 Synonyms: paved
 See Also: adobe, adobe brick, building material, ceramic, clay, clinker, clinker brick, cope, coping, firebrick, good person, header



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Brick\, n. [OE. brik, F. brique; of Ger. origin; cf. AS.
    brice a breaking, fragment, Prov. E. brique piece, brique de
    pain, equiv. to AS. hl[=a]fes brice, fr. the root of E.
    break. See {Break}.]
    1. A block or clay tempered with water, sand, etc., molded
       into a regular form, usually rectangular, and sun-dried,
       or burnt in a kiln, or in a heap or stack called a clamp.
             The Assyrians appear to have made much less use of
             bricks baked in the furnace than the Babylonians.
    2. Bricks, collectively, as designating that kind of
       material; as, a load of brick; a thousand of brick.
             Some of Palladio's finest examples are of brick.
    3. Any oblong rectangular mass; as, a brick of maple sugar; a
       penny brick (of bread).
    4. A good fellow; a merry person; as, you 're a brick.
       [Slang] ``He 's a dear little brick.'' --Thackeray.
    {To have a brick in one's hat}, to be drunk. [Slang]
    Note: Brick is used adjectively or in combination; as, brick
          wall; brick clay; brick color; brick red.
    {Brick clay}, clay suitable for, or used in making, bricks.
    {Brick dust}, dust of pounded or broken bricks.
    {Brick earth}, clay or earth suitable for, or used in making,
    {Brick loaf}, a loaf of bread somewhat resembling a brick in
    {Brick nogging} (Arch.), rough brickwork used to fill in the
       spaces between the uprights of a wooden partition; brick
    {Brick tea}, tea leaves and young shoots, or refuse tea,
       steamed or mixed with fat, etc., and pressed into the form
       of bricks. It is used in Northern and Central Asia. --S.
       W. Williams.
    {Brick trimmer} (Arch.), a brick arch under a hearth, usually
       within the thickness of a wooden floor, to guard against
       accidents by fire.
    {Brick trowel}. See {Trowel}.
    {Brick works}, a place where bricks are made.
    {Bath brick}. See under {Bath}, a city.
    {Pressed brick}, bricks which, before burning, have been
       subjected to pressure, to free them from the imperfections
       of shape and texture which are common in molded bricks.
  2. \Brick\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bricked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To lay or pave with bricks; to surround, line, or
       construct with bricks.
    2. To imitate or counterfeit a brick wall on, as by smearing
       plaster with red ocher, making the joints with an edge
       tool, and pointing them.
    {To brick up}, to fill up, inclose, or line, with brick.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of a brick, represents your individual ideas and thoughts. Experience and/or heartbreak may have hardened you. Dreaming that you are building a brick wall means a wall that you are putting up to protect yourself against hurt. It may also indicate that you may be hard on the outside but still sensitive on the inside.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adamant, adobe, ashlar, asphalt, biscuit, bisque, bitumen, bituminous macadam, blacktop, block, board, bone, bowl, bricks and mortar, buddy, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, chum, chunk, clapboard, clinker, cobble, cobblestone, comrade, concrete, covering materials, crackerjack, crock, crockery, cube, curb, curbing, curbstone, diamond, doll, edgestone, enamelware, face, ferroconcrete, firebrick, flag, flagging, flagstone, flint, flooring, friend, glass, glaze, good egg, good guy, good Joe, granite, gravel, heart of oak, hunk, iron, jug, kerb, kerbstone, lath, lath and plaster, likely lad, macadam, marble, masonry, mortar, nails, nice guy, no slouch, oak, pal, paper, pavement, pavestone, paving, paving material, paving stone, plank, plasters, porcelain, pot, pottery, prestressed concrete, pussycat, refractory, revet, road metal, rock, roofage, roofing, shake, sheathe, shingle, siding, slab, slate, steel, stone, stout fellow, Tarmac, tarmacadam, Tarvia, thatch, tile, tiling, trump, urn, vase, veneer, wall in, wall up, walling, wallpaper, washboard, weatherboard