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Meaning of THOUSAND

Pronunciation:  'thawzund

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100
  2. [adj]  denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units
 Synonyms: 1000, 1000, a thousand, cardinal, chiliad, G, grand, k, K, m, M, one thousand, one thousand, thou, yard
 See Also: large integer



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Thou"sand\, n. [OE. [thorn]ousend, [thorn]usend, AS.
    [thorn][=u]send; akin to OS. th[=u]sundig, th[=u]sind,
    OFries. thusend, D. duizend, G. tausend, OHG. t[=u]sunt,
    d[=u]sunt, Icel. [thorn][=u]sund, [thorn][=u]shund, Sw.
    tusen, Dan. tusind, Goth. [thorn][=u]sundi, Lith. tukstantis,
    Russ. tuisiacha; of uncertain origin.]
    1. The number of ten hundred; a collection or sum consisting
       of ten times one hundred units or objects.
    2. Hence, indefinitely, a great number.
             A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand
             at thy right hand.                    --Ps. xci. 7.
    Note: The word thousand often takes a plural form. See the
          Note under {Hundred}.
    3. A symbol representing one thousand units; as, 1,000, M or
  2. \Thou"sand\, a.
    1. Consisting of ten hundred; being ten times one hundred.
    2. Hence, consisting of a great number indefinitely.
       ``Perplexed with a thousand cares.'' --Shak.