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Meaning of MAGNIFY

Pronunciation:  'magnu`fI

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  (photography) make large; "blow up an image"
  2. [v]  increase in size, volume or significance; "Her terror was magnified in her mind."
  3. [v]  to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this ``gracious Old South'' imagery"
 Synonyms: amplify, amplify, blow up, enlarge, exaggerate, hyerbolise, hyperbolize, overdraw, overstate
 Antonyms: downplay, minimise, minimize, reduce, scale down, understate
 See Also: aggrandise, aggrandize, blow, blow up, bluster, boast, brag, dramatise, dramatize, embellish, embroider, gas, gasconade, increase, lard, misinform, mislead, overemphasise, overemphasize, overstress, pad, shoot a line, swash, tout, vaunt



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Mag"ni*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Magnified}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Magnifying}.] [OE. magnifien, F. magnifier, L.
    magnificare. See {Magnific}.]
    1. To make great, or greater; to increase the dimensions of;
       to amplify; to enlarge, either in fact or in appearance;
       as, the microscope magnifies the object by a thousand
             The least error in a small quantity . . . will in a
             great one . . . be proportionately magnified.
    2. To increase the importance of; to augment the esteem or
       respect in which one is held.
             On that day the Lord magnified Joshua in the sight
             of all Israel.                        --Joshua iv.
    3. To praise highly; to land; to extol. [Archaic]
             O, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his
             name together.                        --Ps. xxxiv.
    4. To exaggerate; as, to magnify a loss or a difficulty.
    {To magnify one's self} (Script.), to exhibit pride and
       haughtiness; to boast.
    {To magnify one's self against} (Script.), to oppose with
  2. \Mag"ni*fy\, v. i.
    1. To have the power of causing objects to appear larger than
       they really are; to increase the apparent dimensions of
       objects; as, some lenses magnify but little.
    2. To have effect; to be of importance or significance. [Cant
       & Obs.] --Spectator.
    {Magnifying glass}, a lens which magnifies the apparent
       dimensions of objects seen through it.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accelerate, add to, adulate, agent provocateur, aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, annoy, apotheose, apotheosize, augment, ballyhoo, beatify, beef up, belaud, bepraise, bless, bless the Lord, bloat, blow up, boast of, boost, brag about, broaden, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, burlesque, canonize, caricature, carry too far, celebrate, color, complicate, concentrate, condense, consolidate, crescendo, crown, cry up, deepen, deify, deteriorate, develop, dignify, dilate, distend, distinguish, double, doxologize, dramatize, draw the longbow, elevate, embellish, embitter, emblazon, enhance, enlarge, ennoble, enshrine, enthrone, erect, eulogize, exacerbate, exaggerate, exalt, exasperate, expand, extend, extol, flatter, fudge, glamorize, glorify, glorify the Lord, go to extremes, heat up, heighten, hero-worship, hike, hike up, honor, hop up, hot up, huff, hymn, hyperbolize, idolize, immortalize, increase, inflate, intensify, irritate, jazz up, key up, laud, lay it on, lionize, make acute, make complex, make legendary, make much of, make worse, maximize, mount, multiply, overcharge, overdo, overdraw, overemphasize, overestimate, overpaint, overpraise, overreach, overreact, oversell, overspeak, overstate, overstress, pad, panegyrize, pay tribute, pile it on, porter aux nues, praise, praise God, provoke, puff, puff up, pump, pump up, raise, ramify, rarefy, redouble, reinforce, rouse, saint, salute, sanctify, set up, sharpen, sing praises, soup up, sour, step up, strengthen, stretch, stretch the truth, sublime, sufflate, swell, talk big, talk in superlatives, throne, tout, travesty, triple, trumpet, up, uplift, uprear, vise, whet, widen, worsen