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Meaning of ERUPT

Pronunciation:  i'rupt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  become active and spew forth lava and rocks; of volcanoes; "Vesuvius erupts once in a while"
  2. [v]  erupt or intensify suddenly; "Unrest erupted in the country"; "Tempers flared at the meeting"
  3. [v]  become raw or open; as of skin eruptions; "He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce"
  4. [v]  start abruptly; "After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"
  5. [v]  appear on the skin; "A rash erupted on her arms after she had touched the exotic plant"
  6. [v]  as of teeth, for example; "The tooth erupted and had to be extracted"
  7. [v]  force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger"
  8. [v]  become suddenly excited or angry; "She flares up easily"
  9. [v]  start to burn or burst into flames; "Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously"
 Synonyms: belch, break, break open, break out, burst, burst out, catch fire, combust, conflagrate, extravasate, flare, flare, flare up, flare up, ignite, recrudesce, take fire
 See Also: afflict, ail, appear, begin, burst, catch, change state, deepen, dehisce, explode, express emotion, express feelings, intensify, light up, pain, start, trouble, turn



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \E*rupt"\, v. t. [See {Eruption}.]
    To cause to burst forth; to eject; as, to erupt lava.
  2. \E*rupt"\, v. i. [See {Eruption}.]
    1. To eject something, esp. lava, water, etc., as a volcano
       or geyser.
    2. To burst forth; to break out, as ashes from a volcano,
       teeth through the gums, etc.
             When the amount and power of the steam is equal to
             the demand, it erupts with violence through the lava
             flood and gives us a small volcano.   --H. J. W.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: appear, arise, bail out, be born, be brought down, be felled, be struck down, be traumatized, become, belch, blow open, blow out, blow up, bob up, boil, break cover, break forth, break out, break through, burst forth, burst out, cast forth, cast up, catch, catch cold, collapse, come, come down with, come forth, come out, come to be, contract, crop up, debouch, decant, detonate, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, effuse, ejaculate, eject, emanate, emerge, emit, eruct, exhaust, exit, expel, explode, extravasate, extrude, fever, find vent, flare up, flash, get, get to be, gleam, go into shock, go off, have origin, hurl, hurl forth, irrupt, issue, issue forth, jet, jump out, leak out, OD, ooze out, originate, outpour, overdose, pop up, pour, pour forth, pour out, protrude, rise, run a temperature, run out, sally, sally forth, send forth, send out, sicken, spew, spew out, spout, spring up, spurt, squirt, start up, surface, take, take birth, take ill, take rise, throw off, throw out, throw up, touch off, vomit, vomit forth