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Meaning of BURST FORTH

Pronunciation:  burst fowrth

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  burst forth into or as if into flower; "These manifestations effloresced in the past"
  2. [v]  be unleashed; burst forth with violence or noise, as of an emotion or an expression of emotion; "His anger exploded"
  3. [v]  jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone); "The attackers leapt out from the bushes"
 Synonyms: break loose, effloresce, explode, leap out, rush out, sally out
 See Also: appear, bloom, blossom, change state, flower, turn



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: arise, bail out, be born, become, belch, blow open, blow out, bob up, break cover, break forth, break out, bud, burgeon, burst out, come, come forth, come out, come to be, crop up, debouch, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, effuse, eject, emanate, emerge, eruct, erupt, explode, extrude, flare up, flash, flourish, gemmate, germinate, get to be, gleam, grow, grow rank, have origin, hurl forth, irrupt, issue, issue forth, jump out, leaf, leaf out, leave, luxuriate, originate, overgrow, overrun, pop up, protrude, pullulate, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, riot, rise, root, sally, sally forth, shoot, shoot up, spew, spout, spring up, sprout, sprout up, start up, strike root, surface, take birth, take rise, take root, upspear, upsprout, vegetate, vomit