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Meaning of DISCLAIM

Pronunciation:  dis'kleym

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  make a disclaimer about; "He disclaimed any responsibility"
  2. [v]  renounce a legal claim or title to
 Antonyms: claim, take
 See Also: deny, foreswear, quit, relinquish, renounce



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dis*claim"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disclaimed}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Disclaiming}.]
    1. To renounce all claim to deny; ownership of, or
       responsibility for; to disown; to disavow; to reject.
             He calls the gods to witness their offense;
             Disclaims the war, asserts his innocence. --Dryden.
             He disclaims the authority of Jesus.  --Farmer.
    2. To deny, as a claim; to refuse.
             The payment was irregularly made, if not disclaimed.
    3. (Law) To relinquish or deny having a claim; to disavow
       another's claim; to decline accepting, as an estate,
       interest, or office. --Burrill.
    Syn: To disown; disavow; renounce; repudiate.
  2. \Dis*claim"\, v. t.
    To disavow or renounce all part, claim, or share.
    {Disclaim in}, {Disclaim from}, to disown; to disavow. [Obs.]
       ``Nature disclaims in thee.'' --Shak.
Legal Dictionary
 Definition: To refuse a gift made in a will.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abjure, assert the contrary, back down, back out, backwater, be unmoved, be unwilling, beg off, belie, belittle, brush aside, challenge, chuck, chuck out, climb down, contemn, contest, contradict, contravene, controvert, counter, crawfish out, criticize, cross, decline, decline to accept, deny, deprecate, despise, disaffirm, disagree, disallow, disapprove, disavow, discard, discount, disdain, dismiss, disown, disparage, disprove, dispute, disregard, dissent, eat crow, eat humble pie, except, exclude, forswear, gainsay, hold out against, ignore, impugn, join issue upon, minimize, negate, negative, not accept, not admit, not buy, not consent, not hear of, not think of, nullify, oppose, pass by, pass up, push aside, rebuff, recant, refuse, refuse consent, refuse to admit, refuse to consider, refute, reject, renege, renounce, repel, repudiate, repulse, resist entreaty, resist persuasion, retract, revoke, say nay, say no, scout, shove away, spurn, stand aloof, swallow, take back, take issue with, throw away, throw out, traverse, turn away, turn down, turn out, unsay, vote nay, vote negatively, waive, withdraw