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Meaning of BACK DOWN

Pronunciation:  bak dawn

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down"
  2. [v]  remove oneself from an obligation; "He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved"
 Synonyms: back off, back off, back up, bow out, chicken out, pull out
 See Also: draw back, move back, pull away, pull back, recede, resile, retire, retire, retreat, withdraw, withdraw



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abjure, back off, back out, backpedal, backtrack, backwater, balance, balk, beat a retreat, beg off, break off combat, cave in, cease resistance, climb down, crawfish out, cry off, debate, deliberate, demur, deny, disavow, disclaim, disengage, disown, draw back, draw off, eat crow, eat humble pie, fall back, falter, fear, forswear, give ground, give in, give place, give up, give way, go back, go back on, hang back, hem and haw, hesitate, hold back, hover, hum and haw, jib, move back, pause, ponder, pull back, pull out, quit the field, recall, recant, renege, renounce, repudiate, resile, retire, retract, retreat, revoke, run back, scruple, shilly-shally, shy, stand back, stick at, stickle, stop to consider, straddle the fence, strain at, swallow, take back, think twice about, unsay, weasel out, welsh, withdraw, yield