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Meaning of BACK OUT

Pronunciation:  bak awt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity; "We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him"; "He backed out of his earlier promise"; "The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns"
  2. [v]  move out of a space backwards; "He backed out of the driveway"
 Synonyms: back away, crawfish, crawfish out, pull back, pull in one's horns, retreat, withdraw
 See Also: back



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandon, abjure, back down, backpedal, backwater, beat a retreat, beg off, boggle, chicken, chicken out, climb down, crawfish out, cry off, deny, depart from, desert under fire, disavow, discard, disclaim, disengage, disown, draw back, draw off, drop out, eat crow, eat humble pie, evacuate, fall back, falter, forsake, forswear, funk, funk out, get cold feet, give ground, give place, go back, go back on, jettison, jilt, leave, leave behind, leave flat, lose courage, maroon, move back, pull back, pull out, quit, quit cold, recant, renege, renounce, repudiate, resile, retire, retract, retreat, revoke, run back, say goodbye to, scuttle, skedaddle, stand back, stand down, swallow, take back, take leave of, throw over, unsay, vacate, welsh, withdraw