Meaning of NET
Pronunciation: | | net
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
1. network. 2. network, the. 3. neural network. 4. The top-level domain originally for networks, although it sees heavy use for vanity domains of all types. [jargon file]
/net dot/ A prefix used to describe people and events related to usenet and the internet. The convention dates from the time before the great renaming, when most non-local usenet newsgroups had names beginning "net.". Includes net.gods, "net.goddesses" (various charismatic net.women with circles of on-line admirers), "net.lurkers" (see lurker), "net.person", "net.parties" (a synonym for boink), and many similar constructs. See also net.police. [jargon file]
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | acquire, afford, angle, apprehend, arabesque, arrest, asking price, avails, avoirdupois, bag, bait, bait the hook, balance, bargain price, basketry, basketwork, be seized of, beef, beefiness, bid, bid price, birdlime, bob, bola, box office, braid, bring in, burden, cancellation, capital gains, capitalize on, capture, cash in on, cash price, catch, catch out, circuit, clam, clean up, cleanup, clear, clear profit, coast-to-coast hookup, cobweb, coin money, colander, come by, come in for, come into, commercialize, commissions, contract, controlled price, corral, cramp, credit, credits, cribble, cribriformity, cribrosity, cripple, crop, cross-hatching, crossing-out, cumber, current price, current quotation, cut price, dap, deadweight, decoy, deficit, derive, dib, dibble, difference, discrepancy, disposable income, dividend, dividends, drag down, dragnet, draw, drive, earn, earned income, earnings, embarrass, encumber, enlace, enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entangle, enter into possession, entoil, entrammel, entrap, entwine, enweb, epact, fatness, fetter, filigree, filthy lucre, fish, fishhook, fixed price, flat rate, fly, fly-fish, foul, fret, fretwork, gain, gain by, gains, gate, gate receipts, get, gettings, gig, gill net, gin, gleanings, go fishing, going price, grate, grating, gravity, grid, gridiron, grig, grille, grillwork, gross, gross income, gross profit, gross receipts, gross weight, ground bait, guddle, hachure, hamper, hamstring, handicap, harpoon, harvest, hatching, heaviness, heft, heftiness, hoard, hobble, honeycomb, hook, hook in, hookup, impede, income, intake, interest, interknit, interlace, interlacement, intertexture, intertie, intertissue, intertwine, intertwinement, intertwist, interweave, intort, inveigle, involve, jack, jacklight, jig, killing, knit, lace, lacery, lacework, lacing, lame, land, lariat, lasso, lattice, latticework, left, leftover, lime, list price, liveweight, loom, loop, lucre, lumber, lure, make, make a killing, make an arrest, make money, make money by, makings, market price, mat, mesh, meshes, meshwork, nail, neat price, neat profit, neat weight, net income, net profit, net receipts, net weight, netting, network, noose, obtain, odd, output, outstanding, over, overbalance, overweight, package price, paper profits, pay, pay off, pelf, percentage, perk, perks, perquisite, pick up, pickings, piece price, plait, pleach, plexure, plexus, plug, ponderability, ponderosity, ponderousness, porosity, porousness, pound net, poundage, press down, price list, prices current, proceeds, procure, produce, profit, profits, pull down, purse seine, put under arrest, quotation, quoted price, raddle, radio links, rake-off, realize, realize on, reap, receipt, receipts, receivables, recommended price, remainder, remaining, remanent, reticle, reticulation, reticule, reticulum, return, returns, revenue, riddle, rope, royalties, sack, saddle with, score, screen, screening, secure, seine, seize, selling price, shackle, shrimp, sieve, sievelikeness, snag, snare, snarl, sniggle, spare, spear, spin, spinner, splice, sponge, spread the toils, springe, squid, still-fish, stock market quotations, store, strainer, superfluous, surplus, surviving, take, take captive, take into custody, take prisoner, take-in, takings, tangle, tangle up with, texture, throughput, tissue, to spare, toil, toils, tonnage, torch, tracery, trade price, trammel, trap, trawl, trellis, trelliswork, trip, troll, turn a penny, turn to account, turn to profit, twill, twine, twist, unconsumed, underweight, unearned income, unit price, unused, wattle, wealth, weave, weaving, web, webbing, webwork, weft, weigh down, weight, weightiness, whale, wholesale price, wicker, wickerwork, win, wind, winnings, wobbler, wreathe, yield |
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