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Meaning of FAT

Pronunciation:  fat

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  excess bodily weight; "she found fatness disgusting in herself as well as in others"
  2. [n]  a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; adipose tissue also cushions and insulates vital organs; "fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold"
  3. [n]  a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides); "pizza has too much fat"
  4. [adj]  a chubby body; "the boy had a rounded face and fat cheeks"
  5. [adj]  having much flesh (especially fat); "he hadn't remembered how fat she was"
  6. [adj]  containing or composed of fat; "fatty food"; "fat tissue"
  7. [adj]  marked by great fruitfulness; "fertile farmland"; "a fat land"; "a productive vineyard"; "rich soil"
  8. [adj]  (informal) lucrative; "a juicy contract"; "a nice fat job"
  9. [adj]  having a relatively large diameter; "a fat rope"
  10. [v]  make fat or plump; "We will plump out that poor starving child"
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 Synonyms: abdominous, adipose, adipose tissue, avoirdupois, blubber, blubbery, buttery, buxom, chubby, compact, corpulent, double-chinned, dumpy, embonpoint, endomorphic, fatness, fatten, fatten out, fatten up, fattish, fatty, fatty tissue, fertile, fill out, flesh out, fleshy, fruitful, greasy, gross, heavy, heavyset, jowly, juicy, loose-jowled, obese, oily, oleaginous, overweight, paunchy, plump, plump, plump out, podgy, porcine, portly, potbellied, productive, profitable, pudgy, pyknic, rich, rotund, rounded, sebaceous, stocky, stout, suety, superfatted, thick, thickset, tubby, weighty, zaftig, zoftig
 Antonyms: fat-free, fatless, lean, leanness, nonfat, thin, thinness
 See Also: abdominousness, acylglycerol, adipose cell, adiposeness, adiposity, alter, animal fat, animal tissue, atheroma, belly, bodily property, cellulite, change, cocoa butter, edible fat, fat cell, fattiness, feed, flab, fleshiness, give, glyceride, greasiness, leaf fat, leaf lard, lipid, lipide, lipoid, medulla, mons, mons pubis, mons veneris, myelin, myeline, obesity, oiliness, oleaginousness, paunch, paunchiness, polyunsaturated fat, puppy fat, spare-tire, triglyceride



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fat\, n. [See {Vat}, n.]
    1. A large tub, cistern, or vessel; a vat. [Obs.]
             The fats shall overflow with wine and oil. --Joel
                                                   ii. 24.
    2. A measure of quantity, differing for different
       commodities. [Obs.] --Hebert.
  2. \Fat\, a. [Compar. {Fatter}; superl. {Fattest}.] [AS.
    f[=ae]tt; akin to D. vet, G. fett, feist, Icel. feitr, Sw.
    fet, Dan. fed, and perh. to Gr. pi^dax spring, fountain,
    pidy`ein to gush forth, pi`wn fat, Skr. pi to swell.]
    1. Abounding with fat; as:
       (a) Fleshy; characterized by fatness; plump; corpulent;
           not lean; as, a fat man; a fat ox.
       (b) Oily; greasy; unctuous; rich; -- said of food.
    2. Exhibiting the qualities of a fat animal; coarse; heavy;
       gross; dull; stupid.
             Making our western wits fat and mean. --Emerson.
             Make the heart of this people fat.    --Is. vi. 10.
    3. Fertile; productive; as, a fat soil; a fat pasture.
    4. Rich; producing a large income; desirable; as, a fat
       benefice; a fat office; a fat job.
             Now parson of Troston, a fat living in Suffolk.
    5. Abounding in riches; affluent; fortunate. [Obs.]
             Persons grown fat and wealthy by long impostures.
    6. (Typog.) Of a character which enables the compositor to
       make large wages; -- said of matter containing blank,
       cuts, or many leads, etc.; as, a fat take; a fat page.
    {Fat lute}, a mixture of pipe clay and oil for filling
  3. \Fat\, n.
    1. (Physiol. Chem.) An oily liquid or greasy substance making
       up the main bulk of the adipose tissue of animals, and
       widely distributed in the seeds of plants. See {Adipose
       tissue}, under {Adipose}.
    Note: Animal fats are composed mainly of three distinct fats,
          tristearin, tripalmitin, and triolein, mixed in varying
          proportions. As olein is liquid at ordinary
          temperatures, while the other two fats are solid, it
          follows that the consistency or hardness of fats
          depends upon the relative proportion of the three
          individual fats. During the life of an animal, the fat
          is mainly in a liquid state in the fat cells, owing to
          the solubility of the two solid fats in the more liquid
          olein at the body temperature. Chemically, fats are
          composed of fatty acid, as stearic, palmitic, oleic,
          etc., united with glyceryl. In butter fat, olein and
          palmitin predominate, mixed with another fat
          characteristic of butter, butyrin. In the vegetable
          kingdom many other fats or glycerides are to be found,
          as myristin from nutmegs, a glyceride of lauric acid in
          the fat of the bay tree, etc.
    2. The best or richest productions; the best part; as, to
       live on the fat of the land.
    3. (Typog.) Work. containing much blank, or its equivalent,
       and, therefore, profitable to the compositor.
    {Fat acid}. (Chem.) See {Sebacic acid}, under {Sebacic}.
    {Fat series}, {Fatty series} (Chem.), the series of the
       paraffine hydrocarbons and their derivatives; the marsh
       gas or methane series.
    {Natural fats} (Chem.), the group of oily substances of
       natural occurrence, as butter, lard, tallow, etc., as
       distinguished from certain fatlike substance of artificial
       production, as paraffin. Most natural fats are essentially
       mixtures of triglycerides of fatty acids.
  4. \Fat\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fatted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {atting}.] [OE. fatten, AS. f[=ae]ttian. See {Fat}, a., and
    cf. {Fatten}.]
    To make fat; to fatten; to make plump and fleshy with
    abundant food; as, to fat fowls or sheep.
          We fat all creatures else to fat us.     --Shak.
  5. \Fat\, v. i.
    To grow fat, plump, and fleshy.
          An old ox fats as well, and is as good, as a young one.
Computing Dictionary

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Medical Dictionary
 Definition: One of three nutrients that supply calories to the body. Included are vegetable oil, lard, margarine, butter, shortening, mayonnaise, and salad dressing. See carbohydrates and protein.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are fat means a fortunate change in your life or you may be overindulgent. A more literal interpretation of this dream is your fears of gaining weight. You have an skewed perception of your own image which may stem from low self-esteem. Dreaming that others are fat means prosperity.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: A triglyceride (lipid) that is usually solid at room temperature. Compare oil.
Easton Bible Dictionary

(Heb. heleb) denotes the richest part of the animal, or the fattest of the flock, in the account of Abel's sacrifice (Gen. 4:4). It sometimes denotes the best of any production (Gen. 45:18; Num. 18:12; Ps. 81:16; 147:47). The fat of sacrifices was to be burned (Lev. 3:9-11; 4:8; 7:3; 8:25; Num. 18:17. Comp. Ex. 29:13-22; Lev. 3:3-5).

It is used figuratively for a dull, stupid state of mind (Ps 17:10).

In Joel 2:24 the word is equivalent to "vat," a vessel. The hebrew word here thus rendered is elsewhere rendered "wine-fat" and "press-fat" (Hag. 2:16; Isa. 63:2).

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abounding, abounding in riches, abundant, adipose, adipose tissue, advantageous, affluent, all-sufficing, ample, animal oil, animal oils, aplenty, asinine, balmy, banausic, become overweight, bedizenment, beef tallow, beef-brained, beef-witted, beefy, big, big-bellied, big-rich, bloated, blockish, blocky, blooming, blossoming, blown up, blowzy, blubber, blubbery, Boeotian, bone oil, booming, bosomy, bottlenose oil, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, bovine, brawny, breadwinning, broad, broad-bodied, bulky, bull, bullnecked, burly, butter, butterfat, buttery, butyraceous, buxom, cerate, champion, choice, cholesterol, chosen, chrismal, chrismatory, chubby, chumpish, chunky, clear, cloddish, coarse, cod-liver oil, comfortable, consonant, copious, corpulent, cowish, crass, cream, deep, dense, diffuse, dilated, disgustingly rich, distended, doegling oil, doltish, dripping, drippings, dropsical, drying oil, dullard, dumb, dumpy, duncical, duncish, duplication, duplication of effort, edematous, effuse, elect, elite, embellishment, enchymatous, engross, epidemic, essential oil, ester, exhaustless, expletive, extravagance, extravagant, exuberant, fair, fatten, fattish, fatty, fatty oil, featherbedding, fertile, filling, fish oil, fixed oil, flatulent, fleshy, flourishing, flower, flowering, flush, frightfully rich, frill, frills, frippery, fruiting, full, full-bodied, gain weight, gainful, galore, gassy, gather flesh, generous, ghee, gingerbread, glyceride, going strong, goose grease, grease, greasy, great, gross, halcyon, Haliver Oil, heavy, heavyset, heavyweight, hefty, hippy, husky, hydrogenated fat, imposing, in full swing, in funds, in good case, in plenty, in quantity, in the money, incrassate, independent, independently rich, independently wealthy, ineducable, inexhaustible, inflated, klutzy, lanolin, lard, lard oil, lardaceous, lardy, lavish, leaden, liberal, lipid, lipin, lipoid, lipoma, loaded, lucrative, lumpish, lusty, luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, made of money, many, margarine, massive, massy, maximal, meaty, mineral oil, moneyed, moneymaking, much, mucoid, mutton tallow, needlessness, negligible, nonesuch, nonpareil, numerous, oafish, obese, off, oil, oily, oleaginous, oleic, oleo, oleomargarine, oleum, oofy, opaque, optimum, opulent, ornamentation, orotund, outside, overabundance, overadornment, overblown, overflow, overflowing, overkill, overlap, overmuch, overplus, overweight, padding, palmy, paragon, paunchy, paying, payroll padding, pick, pinguefy, piping, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, pleonasm, plethora, plethoric, plump, podgy, polyunsaturated fat, ponderous, porpoise oil, portly, potbellied, prevailing, prevalent, pride, prime, prize, prodigal, productive, profitable, profuse, profusive, prolixity, prospering, provided for, pudgy, puffed up, puffy, pug, pugged, pursy, put on weight, queen, quintessence, rampant, redundance, redundancy, remunerative, replete, resounding, retrousse, rich, rich as Croesus, rife, ringing, riotous, rolling in money, roly-poly, rosy, rotund, round, running over, seal oil, sebaceous, sebum, select, shortening, sleek, slender, slick, slight, slim, slippery, small, smooth, snub-nosed, soapy, sonorous, sottish, square, squat, squattish, squatty, stalwart, steroid, stocky, stout, strapping, stubbed, stubby, stumpy, stupid, suet, suety, superabundant, superfluity, superfluousness, superlative, surfeit, surplus, swelled, swollen, tallow, tallowy, tautology, teeming, the best, the best ever, the tops, the very best, thick, thick-bodied, thickset, three-dimensional, thriving, top, top-heavy, tubby, tumid, turgid, turned-up, unctuous, unguent, unguentary, unguentous, unnecessariness, unsaturated fat, unteachable, vegetable oil, ventose, verbosity, vibrant, vigorous, viscous, volatile oil, wallowing in wealth, warm, wealthy, weighty, well provided for, well-fed, well-fixed, well-found, well-furnished, well-heeled, well-off, well-paying, well-provided, well-stocked, well-to-do, whale oil, wholesale, wide, windy, wool fat, worthwhile, wrongheaded