Meaning of EXTENSION
Pronunciation: | | ik'stenshun
Matching Terms: | | extension agent, extension cord, extension course, extension ladder, Extension Language Kit, extension phone, extension service, extensional, extensional equality, extensionality, Extensionist
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. filename extension. 2. A feature or piece of code which extends a program's functionality, e.g. a plug-in. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | access, accession, accessory, accompaniment, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, acreage, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum, adjunct, adjuvant, advance, affective meaning, aggrandizement, alternate, alternative school, ambit, ampliation, amplification, amplitude, annex, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendant, appendix, appreciation, appurtenance, appurtenant, area, arm, ascent, attachment, augment, augmentation, ballooning, bearing, bigness, blab school, bloating, block, boarding school, body, boom, boost, breadth, broadening, buildup, bulk, caliber, call box, capacity, central school, coda, coin telephone, coloring, coming after, compass, complement, comprehensiveness, concomitant, connotation, consecution, consecutiveness, consequence, consolidated school, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuation school, continuing, continuity, continuum, corollary, correspondence school, country day school, coverage, crescendo, dame school, day school, denotation, deployment, depth, descent, desk telephone, development, dial telephone, diameter, dimension, dimensions, dispersion, distance, distension, drawing out, drift, edema, effect, elevation, ell, elongation, emptiness, empty space, endurance, enlargement, essence, evening school, expanse, expansion, extensiveness, extent, extrapolation, fanning out, field, finishing school, fixture, flare, flood, following, force, free school, gain, galactic space, gauge, girth, gist, grammatical meaning, greatening, greatness, growth, gush, height, hike, hiking, idea, impact, implication, import, increase, increment, infinite space, infinity, inflation, informal school, intension, interstellar space, jump, L, largeness, leap, length, lengthening, lengthiness, lexical meaning, line, lineage, linear measures, lingering, literal meaning, logical sequence, long time, longitude, longness, magnification, magnitude, maintenance, mass, meaning, measure, measurement, mileage, mounting, mouthpiece, multiplication, night school, nongraded school, nothingness, offshoot, open classroom school, orbit, order, order of succession, outer space, overall length, overtone, pay station, pendant, pensionat, perpetuation, perpetuity, perseverance, persistence, pertinence, phone, pith, platoon school, point, posteriority, postposition, practical consequence, private school, procession, procrastination, production, productiveness, progress, progression, progressive school, proliferation, prolongation, proportion, proportions, protraction, public school, public telephone, purport, pursuance, purview, push-button telephone, radius, raise, raising, range, range of meaning, reach, real meaning, receiver, reference, referent, reinforcement, relation, relevance, repetition, rise, rotation, run, scale, school without walls, scope, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, sequence, series, side effect, side issue, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, size, snowballing, space, span, span of meaning, spatial extension, special school, sphere, spirit, splay, spread, spreading, spreading out, staying power, storefront school, straight course, strain, street academy, stretch, stretching, stringing out, structural meaning, subjunction, substance, succession, successiveness, suffixation, sum, sum and substance, summer school, superficial extension, supplement, surface, surge, sustained action, sustenance, sweep, swelling, symbolic meaning, tailpiece, telephone, telephone booth, telephone engineering, telephone extension, telephone mechanics, telephone receiver, telephonics, telephony, tenor, tension, totality of associations, tract, transferred meaning, transmitter, tumescence, unadorned meaning, undergirding, undertone, uninterrupted course, union school, unremittingness, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, vacation school, value, volume, wall telephone, waxing, way, widening, width, wing, yardage |