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Pronunciation:  bul'ooning

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  flying in a balloon
  2. [adj]  increasing or growing quickly like a balloon; "ballooning prices caused a panic"
 Synonyms: increasing
 See Also: flight, flying



Products Dictionary

This lavishly illustrated, full-color coffee-table book vividly covers every aspect of ballooning -- the science and techniques of flight, competitions, stunt flying, recordbreakers, and current around-the-world record attempts. Also featured are special shapes and models, balloons used for advertising, and the thrills and perils of balloon exploration and adventure. Superb color photography was taken in exotic locales from the Sahara to Antarctica.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Bal*loon"ing\, n.
1. The art or practice of managing balloons or voyaging in
2. (Stock Exchange) The process of temporarily raising the
   value of a stock, as by fictitious sales. [U.S.]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, aeronautics, aggrandizement, air service, airline, amplification, appreciation, ascent, astronautics, augmentation, aviation, bagging, baggy, bellying, billowing, billowy, blind flying, bloated, bloating, boom, boost, bosomy, broadening, buildup, bulbose, bulbous, bulging, bumped, bumpy, bunched, bunchy, cloud-seeding, commercial aviation, contact flying, crescendo, cruising, development, distended, drooping, droopy, edema, elevation, enlargement, expansion, extension, flight, flood, floppy, flying, gain, general aviation, gliding, greatening, growth, gush, hike, hillocky, hummocky, increase, increment, inflation, jump, leap, limp, loose, lop, lop-eared, loppy, mounting, moutonnee, multiplication, nodding, pilotage, pneumatic, potbellied, pouching, productiveness, proliferation, raise, rise, rounded, sagging, sagging in folds, saggy, sailing, sailplaning, snowballing, soaring, spread, surge, swag, swelling, tumescence, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, verrucated, verrucose, warty, waxing, widening, winging