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Meaning of ADJUNCT

Pronunciation:  'ajungkt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a construction that is part of a sentence but not essential to its meaning and can be omitted without making the sentence ungrammatical
  2. [n]  something added to another thing but not an essential part of it
  3. [n]  a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another
  4. [adj]  of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another
  5. [adj]  relating to something that is added but is not essential; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxilliary to each other"

ADJUNCT is a 7 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: accessory, adjuvant, ancillary, appurtenant, assistant, auxiliary, low-level, subordinate, subsidiary, supportive
 See Also: associate, construction, expression, grammatical construction, inessential, nonessential, parenthetical, parenthetical expression



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ad"junct`\, a. [L. adjunctus, p. p. of adjungere. See
    Conjoined; attending; consequent.
          Though that my death were adjunct to my act. --Shak.
    {Adjunct notes} (Mus.), short notes between those essential
       to the harmony; auxiliary notes; passing notes.
  2. \Ad"junct`\, n.
    1. Something joined or added to another thing, but not
       essentially a part of it.
             Learning is but an adjunct to our self. --Shak.
    2. A person joined to another in some duty or service; a
       colleague; an associate. --Wotton.
    3. (Gram.) A word or words added to quality or amplify the
       force of other words; as, the History of the American
       Revolution, where the words in italics are the adjunct or
       adjuncts of ``History.''
    4. (Metaph.) A quality or property of the body or the mind,
       whether natural or acquired; as, color, in the body,
       judgment in the mind.
    5. (Mus.) A key or scale closely related to another as
       principal; a relative or attendant key. [R.] See
       {Attendant keys}, under {Attendant}, a.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accession, accessory, accident, accidental, accord, accretion, addendum, addition, adjunction, adornment, affairs, affiliation, affinity, affix, affixation, agglutination, aggrandizement, alliance, ally, ampliation, amplification, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendix, approximation, appurtenance, arrangement, aspect, assemblage, associate, association, attachment, attendant, augmentation, auxiliary, bedfellow, bond, broadening, brother, brother-in-arms, circumstance, closeness, coadjutor, cohort, collateral, colleague, color, color patterns, combination, companion, compatriot, compeer, component, comrade, concomitant, confederate, confrere, connectedness, connection, consociate, consort, constituent, contents, contiguity, contingency, contingent, contrariety, corollary, crescendo, crony, cross section, dealings, decor, decoration, deduction, deployment, detachment, detail, disjunction, dispersion, division, dole, elaboration, element, embellishment, emblazonment, emblazonry, embroidery, enlargement, expansion, extension, extra, factor, fanning out, feature, fellow, fellow member, filiation, fixings, fixture, flare, flourish, flower arrangement, fraction, furniture arrangement, garnish, garnishment, garniture, happenstance, hiking, homology, illumination, incidental, increase, inessential, ingredient, installment, integrant, intercourse, intimacy, item, joining, junction, juxtaposition, liaison, link, linkage, linking, magnification, makings, mere chance, mutual attraction, nearness, nonessential, not-self, ornament, ornamentation, other, parcel, part, part and parcel, particular, percentage, portion, prefixation, propinquity, proximity, quadrant, quarter, quota, raising, random sample, rapport, reinforcement, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, remainder, sample, sampling, secondary, section, sector, segment, share, similarity, specialty, splay, spread, spreading, subdivision, subgroup, subsidiary, subspecies, suffixation, superaddition, superfetation, superjunction, superposition, supplement, supplementation, sympathy, tie, tie-in, trim, trimming, unessential, union, uniting, upping, widening, window dressing