Meaning of COMPASS
Pronunciation: | | 'kumpus
Matching Terms: | | Compas Pascal, compass card, compass flower, compass north, compass plane, compass plant, compass point, compass saw, Compassable, Compassed, Compasses, Compassing, compassion, Compassionable, compassionate, compassionate leave, Compassionate Use, Compassionately, Compassionateness, Compassless
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | COMPrehensive ASSembler. The assembly language on CDC computers. |
| Websites: | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | accept, accomplish, achieve, acquire, aesthetic distance, alentours, ambience, ambit, amount, annex, attain, beleaguer, beset, besiege, blockade, border line, borderlands, bound, boundaries, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bounds, bourn, bourns, box in, break boundary, breakoff point, bring off, bring through, cage, caliber, calipers, carry, carry off, catch, ceiling, chain, chamber, chromatic scale, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate, circumambiencies, circumambulate, circumference, circumjacencies, circummigrate, circumnavigate, circumscription, circumstances, circumvent, clearance, close, close in, close the circle, come full circle, compass about, comprehend, confine, confines, consummate, contain, context, coop, coop in, coop up, coordinates, cordon, cordon off, corral, crown with success, cut, cutoff, cutoff point, cycle, deadline, deal with, deep space, degree, delimitation, depths of space, describe a circle, determinant, dial, diapason, dig, dipstick, direction finder, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, distance, divergence, dividers, division line, do, do the job, do the trick, dodecuple scale, domain, edges, effect, effectuate, embay, embosom, embrace, enact, encircle, enclasp, enclose, enclosure, encompass, end, enfold, enharmonic scale, enshrine, entourage, envelop, environ, environing circumstances, environment, environs, enwrap, execute, extension, extent, extremity, farness, feeler gauge, fence in, fetch, field, finish, flank, floor, foot rule, fringes, frontier, fulfill, gain, gamut, gauge block, gestalt, get, get by, gird, girdle, girdle the globe, go about, go around, go round, go the round, goniometer, grade, gradiometer, graduated scale, grasp, great scale, gyre, gyrocompass, gyroscopic compass, Gyrosin compass, gyrostatic compass, habitat, have, hedge, hedge in, height, hem, hem in, high-water mark, house in, impound, imprison, incarcerate, include, inertial navigation system, infinity, interface, interval, invest, involve, jail, Johansson block, kennel, knock off, land, lap, leaguer, leap, leeway, length, level, light-years, limen, limit, limitation, limitations, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, log, log line, loran, lower limit, low-water mark, magnetic compass, magnetic needle, major scale, make, make a circuit, manage, march, marches, margin, mark, measure, melodic minor, mete, meterstick, metes, metes and bounds, mew, mew up, micrometer, mileage, milieu, minor scale, needle, neighborhood, notch, nuance, obtain, octant, octave scale, orbit, outlines, outposts, outskirts, pale, parameters, parsecs, pas, peg, pen, pen in, pentatonic scale, perform, perimeter, period, periphery, perspective, piece, pitch, plane, plateau, plumb, plumb rule, pocket, point, polish off, precincts, procure, produce, proportion, protractor, pull off, purlieus, purview, put away, put over, put through, quadrant, quarantine, radio compass, radio direction finder, radius, rail in, range, ratio, RDF, reach, realize, register, remoteness, remove, restriction, revolve, ring, rod, round, rule, ruler, rung, scale, scope, sector, secure, see, separation, set square, sextant, shade, shadow, shoran, shrine, shut in, shut up, situation, skirt, skirts, space, span, spectrum, sphere, spiral, spirit level, square, stable, stair, standard, start, starting line, starting point, step, stint, stretch, stride, suburbs, succeed, surround, surroundings, sweep, T square, take care of, take in, tape, tape measure, tapeline, target date, temperament, term, terminal date, terminus, theodolite, threshold, time allotment, total environment, transit, transit theodolite, tread, try square, tuning, turn the trick, twig, understand, upper limit, verges, vernier, vernier caliper, vicinage, vicinity, wall in, way, ways, wheel, whole-tone scale, win, work, work out, wrap, yard, yard up, yardstick |