Meaning of PIPE
Pronunciation: | | pIp
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] the flues and stops on a pipe organ
- [n] a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
- [n] a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
- [n] a tubular wind instrument
- [n] a hollow cylindrical shape
- [v] utter a shrill cry
- [v] trim with piping, as of garments
- [v] play on a pipe; "pipe a tune"
- [v] transport by pipeline; of oil, water, gas, etc.
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| Synonyms: | | organ pipe, pipage, pipe up, pipework, piping, screech, shriek, shrill, tabor pipe, tobacco pipe, tube |
| See Also: | | adorn, beautify, bourdon, bowl, briar, briar pipe, calabash, calabash pipe, call, calumet, caterwaul, chanter, chimneypot, clay pipe, cry, cylinder, decorate, discharge pipe, drain, drainpipe, drilling pipe, drone, drone pipe, elbow, embellish, exhaust pipe, flue, flue pipe, fuel line, gas line, grace, holler, hollo, hookah, hubble-bubble, kalian, labial pipe, line, main, manifold, meerschaum, melody pipe, mouthpiece, narghile, organ, organ stop, ornament, peace pipe, pipe bowl, pipe of peace, pipe organ, pipe up, pipeline, pitch pipe, play, reed pipe, riser, riser main, riser pipe, riser pipeline, scream, sew, shout, shout out, sparge pipe, spout, squall, standpipe, steam line, steam pipe, stem, tailor, tailor-make, tailpipe, transport, tube, tubing, waste pipe, water pipe, wind, wind instrument, yell, yowl | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Pipe\, n. [AS. p[=i]pe, probably fr. L. pipare, pipire, to
chirp; of imitative origin. Cf. {Peep}, {Pibroch}, {Fife}.]
1. A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes
of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces
musical sounds; as, a shepherd's pipe; the pipe of an
organ. ``Tunable as sylvan pipe.'' --Milton.
Now had he rather hear the tabor and the pipe.
2. Any long tube or hollow body of wood, metal, earthenware,
or the like: especially, one used as a conductor of water,
steam, gas, etc.
3. A small bowl with a hollow steam, -- used in smoking
tobacco, and, sometimes, other substances.
4. A passageway for the air in speaking and breathing; the
windpipe, or one of its divisions.
5. The key or sound of the voice. [R.] --Shak.
6. The peeping whistle, call, or note of a bird.
The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds.
7. pl. The bagpipe; as, the pipes of Lucknow.
8. (Mining) An elongated body or vein of ore.
9. A roll formerly used in the English exchequer, otherwise
called the Great Roll, on which were taken down the
accounts of debts to the king; -- so called because put
together like a pipe. --Mozley & W.
10. (Naut.) A boatswain's whistle, used to call the crew to
their duties; also, the sound of it.
11. [Cf. F. pipe, fr. pipe a wind instrument, a tube, fr. L.
pipare to chirp. See Etymol. above.] A cask usually
containing two hogsheads, or 126 wine gallons; also, the
quantity which it contains.
{Pipe fitter}, one who fits pipes together, or applies pipes,
as to an engine or a building.
{Pipe fitting}, a piece, as a coupling, an elbow, a valve,
etc., used for connecting lengths of pipe or as accessory
to a pipe.
{Pipe office}, an ancient office in the Court of Exchequer,
in which the clerk of the pipe made out leases of crown
lands, accounts of cheriffs, etc. [Eng.]
{Pipe tree} (Bot.), the lilac and the mock orange; -- so
called because their were formerly used to make pipe
stems; -- called also {pipe privet}.
{Pipe wrench}, or {Pipetongs}, a jawed tool for gripping a
pipe, in turning or holding it.
{To smoke the pipe of peace}, to smoke from the same pipe in
token of amity or preparatory to making a treaty of peace,
-- a custom of the American Indians.
\Pipe\, v. i.
1. To play on a pipe, fife, flute, or other tubular wind
instrument of music.
We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced.
--Matt. xi.
2. (Naut.) To call, convey orders, etc., by means of signals
on a pipe or whistle carried by a boatswain.
3. To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to
whistle. ``Oft in the piping shrouds.'' --Wordsworth.
4. (Metal.) To become hollow in the process of solodifying;
-- said of an ingot, as of steel.
\Pipe\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Piped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To perform, as a tune, by playing on a pipe, flute, fife,
etc.; to utter in the shrill tone of a pipe.
A robin . . . was piping a few querulous notes. --W.
2. (Naut.) To call or direct, as a crew, by the boatswain's
As fine a ship's company as was ever piped aloft.
3. To furnish or equip with pipes; as, to pipe an engine, or
a building.
| Websites: | |
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. One of Unix's buffers which can be written to by one asynchronous process and read by another, with the kernel suspending and waking up the sender and receiver according to how full the pipe is. In later versions of Unix, rather than using an anonymous kernel-managed temporary file to implement a pipe, it can be named and is implemented as a local socket pair. 2. "|" ASCII character 124. Used to represent a pipe between two processes in a shell command line. E.g. grep foo log | more which feeds the output of grep into the input of more without requiring a named temporary file and without waiting for the first process to finish. 3. A connection to a network. See also light pipe. |
| Websites: | |
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a pipe in your dream indicates that you are open and receptive to new ideas. It may also represent your connection to those around you.
Dreaming that you are smoking a pipe in your dream indicates knowledge or contemplation. |
| Websites: | |
Easton Bible Dictionary |
| Definition: | | (1 Sam. 10:5; 1 Kings 1:40; Isa. 5:12; 30:29). The Hebrew word halil, so rendered, means "bored through," and is the name given to various kinds of wind instruments, as the fife, flute, Pan-pipes, etc. In Amos 6:5 this word is rendered "instrument of music." This instrument is mentioned also in the New Testament (Matt. 11:17; 1 Cor. 14:7). It is still used in Palestine, and is, as in ancient times, made of different materials, as reed, copper, bronze, etc. |
| Websites: | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | adjutage, aerophone, anthem, aulos, bagpipe, ballad, bark, barrel, basset horn, basset oboe, bassoon, bawl, bay, beep, bell, bellow, blare, blast, blat, blow, blow a horn, blow the horn, blubber, bole, bombard, bong, boohoo, boom, brass, bray, breathe, briar, briar pipe, bugle, butt, buzz, cackle, calabash, calean, call, calumet, canalize, carillon, carol, carry, cask, caterwaul, catheter, caw, channel, channelize, chant, chatter, cheep, chimera, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, choir, chorus, chuck, churchwarden, clack, clarinet, clarion, clay, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, column, conduct, conduit, contrabassoon, contrafagotto, convey, conveyor, coo, corncob, corncob pipe, creak, croak, cromorne, cronk, croon, crow, cry, cuckoo, cylinder, cylindroid, deliver, descant, doodle, do-re-mi, double bassoon, double reed, double-tongue, drainpipe, drawl, dream, drum, duct, efflux tube, embouchure, English horn, exclaim, fantasy, fife, fipple flute, fire hose, flageolet, flue pipe, flume, flute, funnel, gabble, gaggle, garden hose, gas pipe, gasp, gobble, groan, growl, grunt, guggle, hautboy, heckelphone, hiss, hogshead, honk, hoo, hookah, hoot, horn, hornpipe, hose, hosepipe, howl, hubble-bubble, hum, hush up, hymn, intonate, intone, keen, keg, key, licorice stick, lilt, line, lip, look at, main, make oneself heard, meerschaum, minstrel, Missouri meerschaum, moan, mouthpiece, mumble, murmur, musette, mutter, nargileh, nipple, note, notice, oaten reed, oboe, oboe da caccia, ocarina, offer, organ pipe, Pandean pipe, panpipe, pant, passage, peace pipe, peal, peep, penny-whistle, piccolo, pillar, pip, pipe cleaner, pipe down, pipe rack, pipe up, pipeline, pipette, piping, pommer, psalm, put through, put through channels, quack, quaver, recorder, reed, reed instrument, reed pipe, roar, roll, roller, roulade, rouleau, rumble, sax, saxophone, say, scold, screak, scream, screech, serenade, setup, shake, shawm, shriek, shrill, shut up, siamese, siamese connection, sibilate, sigh, sing, sing in chorus, single reed, single-reed instrument, siphon, skirl, skreigh, slide, snap, snarl, snorkel, snort, sob, soil pipe, sol-fa, solmizate, sonorophone, sough, sound, sound a tattoo, sound taps, speak up, spot, squall, squawk, squeak, squeal, standpipe, steam pipe, stem, straw, supply, sweet potato, syrinx, tabor pipe, tap, tenoroon, thunder, tin-whistle, tobacco pipe, tobacco pouch, tongue, toot, tooter, tootle, traject, transmit, tremolo, trench, trill, triple-tongue, troll, trumpet, trunk, tube, tubing, tubulation, tubule, tubulet, tubulure, tun, twang, tweedle, tweedledee, tweet, twit, twitter, ululate, ululation, valve, vocalize, volunteer, wail, warble, waste pipe, water pipe, weep, whine, whisper, whistle, wind, wind instrument, wind the horn, woods, woodwind, woodwind choir, woodwind instrument, wrawl, yammer, yap, yawp, yell, yelp, yodel |