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Meaning of LIP

Pronunciation:  lip

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing lips in your dream means sensuality, sex, love, and romance. They are also seen as a means of communication as in the familiar phrase "read my lips".
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aerophone, answer back, articulate, back talk, backchat, bagpipe, bank, bell, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, blow, blow a horn, board, border, bordure, boss, bow, breathe, brim, brink, brow, bubble, bugle, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burl, buss, button, cahot, carillon, chime, chine, chorus, clarion, clump, coast, come out with, communicate, condyle, convex, convey, deliver, disclose, doodle, double reed, double-tongue, dowel, ear, edge, embouchure, emit, enunciate, express, featheredge, fife, flange, flap, fling off, flute, formulate, frame, fringe, gall, give, give expression, give out with, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, gnarl, handle, hem, hill, horn, hump, hunch, impart, jaw, jog, joggle, key, knob, knot, knur, knurl, labellum, labium, labrum, lap, lave, ledge, let out, limb, limbus, list, loop, lump, marge, margin, mole, mountain, mouth, mouthpiece, nevus, nub, nubbin, nubble, osculate, out with, papilloma, peck, peg, phonate, phrase, pipe, pour forth, present, pronounce, provoke, put forth, put in words, ragged edge, raise, reed, rib, ridge, rim, ring, sass, sassiness, sauce, sauciness, say, selvage, set forth, shore, shoulder, side, sideline, skirt, slide, smack, smooch, sound, spine, stud, style, tab, talk back, tell, throw off, tongue, toot, tooter, tootle, triple-tongue, trumpet, tubercle, tubercule, tweedle, utter, valve, verbalize, verge, verruca, vesicle, vocalize, voice, wale, wart, wash, welt, whisper, whistle, wind, wind instrument, wind the horn, word