Meaning of GUIDE
Pronunciation: | | gId
Matching Terms: | | Guid, Guidable, Guidage, Guidance, guide dog, guide on, Guide rope, Guide to Available Mathematical Software, Guideboard, guidebook, guided, guided imagery, guided missile, guided missile cruiser, guided missile destroyer, guided missile frigate, Guideless, guideline, Guidepost, Guider, Guideress, Guidguid, guiding, guiding light, Guidon
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing or dreaming that you are a guide indicates that a higher force is guiding you toward your goals. You are on the right path. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abecedarian, accompany, admonisher, advise, adviser, advisor, advocate, air hole, allegorist, ancestor, ancestral spirits, angel, annotator, announcer, antecedent, apparition, appearance, armhole, arrow, astral, astral spirit, attend, attendant godling, automatic pilot, avant-garde, backseat driver, Baedeker, banshee, be the bellwether, beacon, bell cow, bellwether, blaze, blaze the trail, blowhole, boatheader, boatsteerer, break the trail, brief, broaden the mind, buccinator, bullet-hole, bunghole, bushwhacker, buttinsky, call the shots, catechize, certified teacher, chaperon, chart a course, chute, cicerone, civilize, clarifier, coach, commentator, compass needle, compendium, cond, conduct, conductor, confer, confidant, conn, consult with, consultant, contrive, control, convoy, counsel, counselor, courier, cowherd, coxswain, cringle, criterion, critic, cryptanalyst, cryptographer, cryptologist, daemon, deadeye, dean, decide, decoder, definer, demon, demonstrate, demonstrator, demythologizer, departed spirit, determine, diaskeuast, direct, direction, direction post, director, disembodied spirit, dispose, docent, doctor, dominie, don, doyen, dragoman, drive, drover, duppy, Dutch uncle, dybbuk, eaves trough, edify, editor, educate, educationist, educator, eidolon, emendator, emender, enchiridion, engineer, enlighten, escort, esquire, euhemerist, example, exegesist, exegete, exegetist, exemplar, expert, explainer, explicator, explorer, exponent, expositor, expounder, eye, eyelet, fairy godmother, familiar, familiar spirit, fellow, finger post, fist, forebear, foregoer, forerun, forerunner, form, front runner, frontiersman, fugleman, gasket, genius, genius domus, genius loci, get ahead of, get before, ghost, give instruction, give lessons in, go before, goatherd, go-between, good angel, good genius, govern, grateful dead, grommet, ground, groundbreaker, guard, guardian, guardian angel, guardian spirit, guideboard, guidebook, guidepost, guider, guiding light, guru, gutter, Gyropilot, hand, handbook, handle, hant, harbinger, haunt, have the conn, have the start, head, head the line, helm, helmsman, herald, herd, herdsman, hermeneut, hold the reins, hour hand, household gods, ideal, idolum, illumine, immateriality, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, index, index finger, influence, inform, innovator, inspiration, instruct, instructor, interpreter, introduce, invisible helper, keyhole, kibitz, kibitzer, knothole, landmark, lap, lares and penates, lares compitales, lares familiaris, lares permarini, lares praestites, lares viales, larva, lead, lead runner, lead the dance, lead the way, leader, lemures, lexicographer, light, light the way, lodestar, loop, loophole, lubber line, maestro, manage, manes, maneuver, manhole, manual, marker, marshal, Masan, master, materialization, meddle, meddler, melamed, mentor, mercury, messenger, metaphrast, milepost, ministering angel, minute hand, model, monitor, mousehole, mullah, navigate, navigator, needle, nestor, numen, oneirocritic, oni, open the eyes, operate, order, orienter, outstrip, oversee, pace, pandit, paraphrast, pathfinder, pedagogist, pedagogue, peephole, penates, penstock, pentrough, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, pigeonhole, pilot, pinhole, pioneer, placket, placket hole, point, pointer, Polonius, poltergeist, porthole, precede, precedent, preceptist, preceptor, precursor, predecessor, prescribe, presence, professor, propose, punch-hole, pundit, rabbi, recommend, reeducate, regulate, revenant, river pilot, route, rule, run, scholiast, school, schoolkeeper, schoolmaster, schoolteacher, scout, see, set right, set the pace, shade, shadow, shape, shape a course, sharpen the wits, shepherd, shoot, show, show how, show the way, shrouded spirit, sign, signal, signboard, signpost, spearhead, special providence, specter, spectral ghost, spiracle, spirit, spook, sprite, squire, stand first, standard, starets, steer, steerer, steersman, stormy petrel, submit, suggest, superintend, supervise, sway, take out, take the helm, take the lead, tap, teach, teach a lesson, teach the rudiments, teacher, textual critic, theophany, totem, tour director, tour guide, trailblazer, trailbreaker, train, translator, trough, tutelar god, tutelary, tutor, unsubstantiality, usher, usher in, vade mecum, vanguard, vaunt-courier, vent, venthole, vision, voortrekker, wait on, walking dead man, wandering soul, wear the pants, wraith, zombie |