Meaning of GRAVE
Pronunciation: | | greyv
Matching Terms: | | Gravamen, grave accent, grave goods, grave mound, Graveclothes, Gravedigger, gravel, gravel permeability, gravel pit, graveled, Graveless, Graveling, Gravelliness, gravelly, Gravel-stone, gravelweed, gravely, graven, Graven image, graveness, Gravenstein, Graveolence, Graveolent, Graver, graverobber, Gravery, Graves, Grave's disease, Graves' disease, Gravestone, graveyard, graveyard shift, graveyard watch, Gravic, gravid, gravida, gravida I, gravida II, gravida III, Gravidated, Gravidation, Gravidity, gravidness, Gravigrade, gravimeter, gravimetric, gravimetric analysis, gravimetry, Graving, graving dock, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitation wave, Gravitational, gravitational attraction, gravitational collapse, gravitational constant, gravitational field, gravitational force, gravitational interaction, gravitational mass, gravitational theory, gravitationally, Gravitative, gravitons, gravitropism, gravity, gravity fault, gravity gradient, gravity meter, gravity wave, gravity-assist, Gravol, gravure, Gravy, gravy boat, gravy train
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are visiting a grave indicates that you need to delve into your own unconscious in search of an issue in which you thought had been put to rest. You need to stand up for yourself for no one else can do it for you. Alternatively, it represents something is about to be completed in your life. You are ready for a new start.
Dreaming that you are digging a grave indicates some nervousness and uneasiness over some undertaking. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abject, abominable, acute, afflictive, agonizing, annihilation, arch, aristocratic, arrant, assemble, atrocious, august, autolithograph, awe-inspiring, awful, bane, baritone, barrow, base, bass, be a printmaker, beehive tomb, beggarly, biological death, biting, black, blackish, bleak, bone house, book, boundary stone, box grave, brass, burial, burial chamber, burial mound, bust, cairn, calendar, carve, cast, catacomb, catacombs, catalog, cenotaph, cessation of life, chalk, chalk up, character, charnel house, chase, check in, cheesy, chisel, chronicle, cist, cist grave, clinical death, column, comprehensive, consequential, considerable, contemptible, contralto, courtly, cramping, crease, cribble, critical, cromlech, cross, crosshatch, crossing the bar, crucial, cruel, crummy, crypt, cup, curtains, cut, cyclolith, dangerous, dark, dark-colored, darkish, darksome, deadly, death, death knell, debased, debt of nature, decease, decorous, deep, deep six, deep-echoing, deepmouthed, deep-pitched, deep-toned, degraded, demise, demure, departure, depraved, despicable, destructive, dignified, dire, dirty, disgusting, dismal, dissolution, distressing, docket, dokhma, dolmen, doom, dour, dreadful, drear, drearisome, dreary, drive, dusk, dusky, dying, earnest, ebb of life, elevated, enchase, end, end of life, ending, engrave, enroll, enscroll, enter, etch, eternal rest, excruciating, execrable, exhaustive, exit, expiration, extinction, extinguishment, fatal, fateful, fell, file, fill out, final summons, finger of death, flagrant, footstone, formal, formidable, foul, found, frowning, full, fulsome, funebrial, funereal, furrow, gloomy, gnawing, going, going off, grand, gravestone, gray, great, grievous, grim, grim-faced, grim-visaged, griping, groove, gross, hammer, hand of death, hard, harrowing, harsh, hatch, headstone, heavy, heinous, hoarstone, hollow, horrible, house of death, hurtful, hurting, impanel, important, imposing, impress, imprint, incise, inculcate, index, infix, inscribe, inscription, insculpture, insert, inspiring, instill, intense, irresistible, jaws of death, jot down, killing, kingly, knell, last debt, last home, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, leaving life, line, list, lithograph, little, lofty, log, long home, long-faced, lordly, loss of life, low, low green tent, low house, low-down, low-pitched, lumpen, magisterial, main, majestic, major, make a memorandum, make a note, make an entry, make out, make prints, making an end, mangy, mark, mark down, marker, mastaba, matriculate, mausoleum, mean, measly, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, mighty, minute, miserable, model, moderate, mold, monolith, monstrance, monstrous, monument, mound, moving, mummy chamber, murderous, narrow house, necrology, nefarious, nigrescent, noble, no-nonsense, note, note down, obelisk, obituary, obnoxious, odious, ossuarium, ossuary, painful, paltry, paroxysmal, parting, passage grave, passing, passing away, passing over, perilous, perishing, petty, piercing, pillar, pit, pivotal, place upon record, plaque, plenary, poignant, poky, poll, ponderous, poor, portentous, post, post up, pound, powerful, pressing, princely, print, prize, pungent, put down, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, pyramid, queenly, quietus, racking, rank, record, reduce to writing, regal, register, release, reliquary, remembrance, reptilian, rest, resting place, reward, ribbon, rostral column, royal, sad, saturnine, scabby, score, scrape, scratch, scrubby, scruffy, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, scummy, scurvy, sedate, sentence of death, sepulcher, sepulchral, sepulture, serious, set down, severe, shabby, shades of death, shadow of death, shaft, shaft grave, sharp, shoddy, shooting, shrine, sleep, small, sober, sober-minded, sobersided, solder, solemn, somatic death, somber, sombrous, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, squalid, stabbing, staid, stamp, stately, statuesque, stela, stinging, stipple, stone, stone-faced, straight-faced, strong, stupa, sublime, summons of death, swart, swarthy, tablet, tabulate, take down, tape, tape-record, temperate, terrible, testimonial, thoughtful, tomb, tombstone, tool, tope, tormenting, torturous, total, tower of silence, triste, trophy, tumulus, ugly, unmentionable, unsmiling, urgent, vault, venerable, videotape, vile, vital, weariful, wearisome, weary, weighty, weld, worthy, wretched, write, write down, write in, write out, write up |