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Pronunciation:  u`nIu'leyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  destruction by annihilating something
  2. [n]  total destruction; "bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll"

ANNIHILATION is a 12 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: disintegration, obliteration
 See Also: atomisation, atomization, demolition, destruction, destruction, devastation, extermination, extinction, pulverisation, pulverization, vaporisation, vaporization



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\An*ni`hi*la"tion\, n. [Cf. F. annihilation.]
1. The act of reducing to nothing, or nonexistence; or the
   act of destroying the form or combination of parts under
   which a thing exists, so that the name can no longer be
   applied to it; as, the annihilation of a corporation.
2. The state of being annihilated. --Hooker.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abolishment, abolition, abscission, amputation, annulment, bane, biological death, cessation of life, choking, choking off, clinical death, crossing the bar, curtains, death, death knell, debt of nature, decease, demise, departure, deracination, destruction, dissolution, doom, dying, ebb of life, elimination, end, end of life, ending, eradication, eternal rest, excision, exclusion, exit, expiration, extermination, extinction, extinguishment, extirpation, final summons, finger of death, going, going off, grave, hand of death, jaws of death, knell, last debt, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, leaving life, liquidation, loss of life, making an end, mutilation, negation, nullification, parting, passing, passing away, passing over, perishing, purge, quietus, release, rescission, rest, reward, rooting out, sentence of death, shades of death, shadow of death, silencing, sleep, snuffing out, somatic death, stifling, strangulation, suffocation, summons of death, suppression, uprooting, voiding