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Pronunciation:  `ekspu'reyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of expelling air from the lungs
  2. [n]  euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"
  3. [n]  a coming to an end of a contract period; "the expiry of his driver's license"
 Synonyms: breathing out, departure, exhalation, exit, expiry, going, loss, passing, release, termination
 See Also: blow, breath, breathing, cough, coughing, death, decease, end, ending, external respiration, huffing, puff, puffing, respiration, snorting, ventilation, wind



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ex`pi*ra"tion\, n. [L. expiratio,exspiratio: cf. F.
expiration. See {Expire}.]
1. The act of expiring; as:
   (a) (Physiol.) The act or process of breathing out, or
       forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth;
       as, respiration consists of inspiration and
       expiration; -- opposed to {inspiration}.
   (b) Emission of volatile matter; exhalation.
             The true cause of cold is an expiration from the
             globe of the earth.               --Bacon.
   (c) The last emission of breath; death. ``The groan of
       expiration.'' --Rambler.
   (d) A coming to a close; cessation; extinction;
       termination; end.
             Before the expiration of thy time. --Shak.
2. That which is expired; matter breathed forth; that which
   is produced by breathing out, as a sound.
         The aspirate ``he,'' which is . . . a gentle
         expiration.                           --G. Sharp.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: exhaling; giving off carbon dioxide.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: annihilation, apodosis, Aqua-Lung, artificial respiration, aspiration, asthmatic wheeze, bane, biological death, breath, breath of air, breathing, broken wind, catastrophe, ceasing, cessation, cessation of life, clinical death, close, closing, coda, concluding, conclusion, consummation, cough, crack of doom, crossing the bar, culmination, curtain, curtains, death, death knell, debt of nature, decease, demise, denouement, departure, destination, destiny, discontinuance, discontinuation, dissolution, doom, dying, ebb of life, effect, end, end of life, end point, ending, envoi, epilogue, eschatology, eternal rest, exhalation, exit, expiry, exsufflation, extinction, extinguishment, fate, final solution, final summons, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, finger of death, finis, finish, gasp, goal, going, going off, grave, gulp, hack, hand of death, hiccup, inhalation, inhalator, inspiration, insufflation, iron lung, izzard, jaws of death, knell, last, last breath, last debt, last gasp, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end, leaving life, loss of life, making an end, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, omega, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, pant, parting, passing, passing away, passing over, payoff, period, perishing, peroration, puff, quietus, release, resolution, respiration, rest, resting place, reward, scuba, sentence of death, shades of death, shadow of death, sigh, sleep, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snoring, snuff, snuffle, somatic death, sternutation, stertor, stoppage, stopping place, summons of death, suspiration, swan song, term, terminal, termination, terminus, wheeze, wind, windup, Z