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Meaning of END POINT

Pronunciation:  end poynt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a place where something ends or is complete
  2. [n]  the final point in a process
 Synonyms: endpoint, resultant, termination, terminus
 See Also: degree, end, level, point, stage



Biology Dictionary
    1. In analytical chemistry, it is the point during a titration reaction where there are equal amounts of titrant and whatever is being titrated. A color change in the sample usually indicates this point.
    2. In immunology, it is the most dilute an antibody or antiserum solution can be while still detectably reacting with the antigen.
    1. In analytical chemistry, it is the point during a titration reaction where there are equal amounts of titrant and whatever is being titrated. A color change in the sample usually indicates this point.
    2. In immunology, it is the most dilute an antibody or antiserum solution can be while still detectably reacting with the antigen.