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Meaning of HURTING

Pronunciation:  h'urting

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
 Synonyms: pain
 See Also: ache, aching, agony, arthralgia, burn, burning, causalgia, chest pain, chiralgia, colic, costalgia, distress, dysmenorrhea, excruciation, glossalgia, glossodynia, growing pains, haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid, intestinal colic, keratalgia, labor pain, mastalgia, melagra, meralgia, metralgia, myalgia, myodynia, nephralgia, neuralgia, neuralgy, odynophagia, orchidalgia, pang, photalgia, photophobia, piles, pleuralgia, pleurodynia, podalgia, proctalgia, referred pain, renal colic, smart, smarting, soreness, sting, stinging, stitch, suffering, symptom, tenderness, thermalgesia, throb, torment, torture, ulalgia, urodynia



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aches and pains, aching, acute, afflicted, afflictive, agonized, agonizing, algetic, atrocious, bankruptcy, biting, breakage, breakdown, collapse, convulsed, crack-up, cramping, crippling, crucified, cruel, damage, destruction, detriment, dilapidation, disablement, discomfort, disrepair, distress, distressed, distressing, dolor, encroachment, excruciating, gnawing, grave, griping, hard, harm, harrowed, harrowing, harsh, hobbling, hurt, hurtful, impairment, in distress, in pain, incapacitation, infringement, injury, inroad, lacerated, loss, maiming, malaise, martyred, martyrized, mayhem, mischief, misery, mutilation, on the rack, pain, pained, painful, paroxysmal, piercing, poignant, pungent, racked, racking, ruination, ruinousness, sabotage, scathe, Schmerz, severe, sharp, shooting, sickening, sore, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spoiling, stabbing, stinging, suffering, tormented, tormenting, tortured, torturous, twisted, under the harrow, weakening, wounded, wrung