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Meaning of DRUNK

Pronunciation:  drungk

Matching Terms:  drunk mouse syndrome, drunk-and-disorderly, drunkard, drunken, drunken reveler, drunken reveller, drunken revelry, Drunkenhead, Drunkenly, drunkenness, Drunkenship

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are drunk, suggests that you are acting careless and insensible. You are losing control of your life and have lost a grip on reality.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ablaze, addled, afire, aflame, alcoholic, alcoholic addict, animated, ardent, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, bat, beery, bemused, bender, besotted, bibber, big drunk, binge, blind drunk, blotto, boiling over, boozer, boozy, bout, breathless, burning, bust, carousal, carouse, carouser, celebration, chronic alcoholic, chronic drunk, compotation, cordial, crapulent, crapulous, crocked, debauch, delirious, devotee of Bacchus, dipsomaniac, dizzy, drenched, drinker, drinking, drinking bout, drunkard, drunken, drunken carousal, ecstatic, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, exuberant, far-gone, febrile, fervent, fervid, fevered, feverish, fiery, flaming, flushed, flustered, fou, full, gay, giddy, glorious, glowing, groggy, guzzle, guzzler, happy, hard drinker, hearty, heated, heavy drinker, hot, imbiber, impassioned, in liquor, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, inflamed, inspirited, intense, intoxicated, invigorated, jag, jolly, juiced, keen, lit, lit up, lively, loaded, lovepot, lush, maudlin, mellow, merry, muddled, nappy, oenophilist, oiled, on fire, orgy, out cold, passionate, pathological drinker, pickled, pie-eyed, pissed, plastered, polluted, pot companion, potation, problem drinker, pub-crawl, red-hot, reeling, revel, reveler, rummy, serious drinker, shikker, smashed, soak, soaker, social drinker, sodden, sot, sotted, souse, soused, sponge, spree, squiffy, steaming, steamy, stewed, stiff, stinko, stoned, swigger, swiller, symposium, tanked, tear, thirsty soul, tiddly, tight, tippler, tipsy, toot, toper, tosspot, under the influence, under the table, under the weather, unrestrained, vigorous, warm, wassail, wassailer, well-oiled, wet, winebibber, wino, zealous, zonked