CURTAIN: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Pronunciation: | | 'kurtn
Matching Terms: | | curtail, Curtail dog, Curtailer, Curtailment, curtain call, curtain lecture, curtain off, curtain raiser, curtain raising, curtain ring, curtained, curtainless
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are shutting the curtains means secrecy and a repression of thoughts. You are concealing a personal matter or an aspect of yourself. On the other hand, to dream that you are opening the curtains indicates that you are ready to reveal something hidden. |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abatis, act, act drop, advanced work, afterpiece, apodosis, apply to, asbestos, asbestos board, awning, backdrop, balistraria, bamboo curtain, bank, banquette, barbed-wire entanglement, barbican, barricade, barrier, barrier of secrecy, bartizan, bastion, batten, battlement, beach umbrella, becloud, befog, bit, blackout, blanket, blind, block, blockade, border, bottleneck, breastwork, bulwark, camouflage, canopy, casemate, catastrophe, catch, ceasing, censorship, cessation, chaser, cheval-de-frise, circumvallation, cloak, cloth, clothe, cloud, coat, coda, conceal, conclusion, consummation, contravallation, cope, cordon, coulisse, counterscarp, counterweight, cover, cover up, coverage, covering, covert, coverture, cowl, cowling, crack of doom, culmination, curtain board, curtain call, curtain raiser, curtains, cyclorama, death, decease, decor, demibastion, denouement, destination, destiny, determent, deterrent, difficulty, dike, disguise, dissemble, distract attention from, divertimento, divertissement, doom, drape, drapery, draw the curtains, drawback, drawbridge, drop, drop curtain, earthwork, eclipse, effect, enclosure, end, end point, ending, ensconce, enshroud, entanglement, envelop, envoi, epilogue, escarp, escarpment, eschatology, exode, exodus, expiration, expository scene, fate, fence, fieldwork, film, final solution, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, finis, finish, fire curtain, flat, flipper, fortalice, fortification, glacis, gloss over, goal, guise, hanging, hang-up, hazard, hide, hitch, hoke act, hood, housing, hurdle, hush-up, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, introduction, iron curtain, ironbound security, izzard, joker, keep under cover, last, last breath, last gasp, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end, lay on, lay over, light shield, loophole, lunette, machicolation, mantelet, mantle, mask, merlon, mound, muffle, number, oath of secrecy, obduce, obfuscate, objection, obscure, obstacle, obstruction, obstructive, occult, official secrecy, omega, one small difficulty, outwork, overlay, overshadow, overspread, palisade, pall, parados, parapet, parasol, payoff, period, peroration, portcullis, postern gate, prologue, put on, quietus, rag, rampart, ravelin, redan, redoubt, repression, resolution, resting place, routine, rub, sally port, scarp, scene, scenery, sconce, screen, scum, seal of secrecy, security, shade, shader, shadow, shelter, shield, shroud, shtick, shutter, side scene, sketch, skit, slur over, smothering, snag, song and dance, spread over, stage screw, stand-up comedy act, stifling, stockade, stoppage, stopping place, striptease, stumbling block, stumbling stone, sunblind, sunshade, superimpose, superpose, suppression, swan song, tab, tableau, teaser, tenaille, term, terminal, termination, terminus, tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, turn, umbrella, vallation, vallum, varnish, veil, veil of secrecy, vestment, whitewash, windup, wing, wingcut, woodcut, work, wraps, Z |