BOLT: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
Pronunciation: | | bowlt
| Related Terms: | | abscond, absence without leave, absquatulate, absquatulation, apostacize, apostasy, apostatize, arrow, arrowhead, articulate, assort, attach, AWOL, backsliding, bale, ball lightning, bang, bar, barb, barricade, barrier, batten, batten down, beat a retreat, betray, betrayal, bindle, blat, block, block up, blockade, blow, blurt out, bobtailed arrow, boil, bola, bolt down, bolt of lightning, bolt upright, bomb, bombshell, boomerang, bouquet, break away, breakaway, brickbat, buckle, budget, bundle, burn out, butt, button, button up, career, catch, categorize, chain lightning, change sides, charge, chase, chested arrow, chock, choke, choke off, clap, clarify, clasp, classify, clear, clear out, cleat, clip, close, close off, close tight, close up, cloth yard shaft, coil, collate, connect, constrict, contain, contract, cordon, cordon off, countermissile, cover, cram, crowd, cry out, cull out, cut and run, dark lightning, dart, dash, dash off, debar, decamp, decampment, deck, decrassify, defect, defection, depart, depurate, dereliction, desert, deserter, desertion, devour, disappearance, disappearing act, disloyalty, distill, divide, dog, dovetail, edulcorate, ejaculate, elope, elopement, elute, engorge, erect, escape, essentialize, exit, extract, eye-opener, fagot, faithlessness, fall away, fall off, fardel, fasces, fascine, fasten, filter, filtrate, fireball, firebolt, fix, flee, flight, fling, fly, flying flame, fold, fold up, forked lightning, French leave, fugitate, fugitation, fulguration, fulmination, ghettoize, gluttonize, go AWOL, go over, gobble, going over, gorge, gormandize, gradate, grade, group, gulp, gulp down, guttle, guzzle, hasp, haste, hasten, hasty retreat, hegira, hie, hinge, hitch, hook, hump, hump it, hurry, hurtle, ingurgitate, insulate, Irish confetti, jam, joint, jump, jump bail, Jupiter Fulgur, keep apart, keep aside, key, lash, latch, lay aside, leach, length, let down, levant, levin bolt, lightning, live to eat, lixiviate, lock, lock out, lock up, make haste, make off, missile, miter, mortise, nail, nosegay, oak-cleaving thunderbolts, obstruct, occlude, pack, package, packet, padlock, parcel, part, peg, percolate, pick out, piece, pin, plumb, poop out, portion, post, posy, projectile, pull out, purify, put aside, quarantine, quarrel, quick exit, quiver, rabbet, race, rank, rat, ratting, raven, recidivation, recidivism, recreancy, rectify, reed, refine, revelation, riddle, rigidly, rivet, rock, rocket, rod, roll, rouleau, run, run away, run away from, run away with, run for it, run off, run out on, running away, rush, scamper, scarf, schism, scoot, scour, scram, scramble, scramming, screen, screw, scud, scurry, scuttle, seal, seal off, seal up, secede, secession, seclude, secure, segregate, sell out, separate, set apart, set aside, sew, shaft, sheaf, sheet lightning, shock, shocker, shoot, show the heels, shut, shut off, shut out, shut the door, shut tight, shut up, sieve, sift, size, skedaddle, skedaddling, skewer, skip, skip out, slam, slip the cable, slop, slosh, snap, sort, sort out, spiritualize, spring, squeeze, squeeze shut, staple, startle, step on it, stick, stiffly, stifle, stitch, stone, stop up, straight, strain, strangle, strangulate, strip, stroke of lightning, stuff, sublimate, sublime, subordinate, suffocate, surprise, swallow whole, switch, switch over, tack, take flight, take French leave, take to flight, take wing, tear, Thor, thrash, thresh, throw stick, throwing-stick, thunderball, thunderbolt, thunderstroke, toggle, torpedo, treason, truss, try, turn cloak, turn tail, turning traitor, volley, waddy, walkout, wedge, winnow, wolf, wolf down, zip up, zipper |