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Meaning of CAREER

Pronunciation:  ku'reer

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the general progression of your working or professional life; "the general had had a distinguished career"; "he had a long career in the law"
  2. [n]  the particular occupation for which you are trained
  3. [v]  move headlong at high speed; "The cars careered down the road"; "The mob careered through the streets"
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 Synonyms: calling, life history, vocation
 See Also: advance, advancement, business, business life, forward motion, go, job, lifework, line, line of work, locomote, move, occupation, onward motion, professional life, progress, progression, specialisation, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, travel, walk, walk of life



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ca*reer"\, n. [F. carri[`e]re race course, high road,
    street, fr. L. carrus wagon. See {Car}.]
    1. A race course: the ground run over.
             To go back again the same career.     --Sir P.
    2. A running; full speed; a rapid course.
             When a horse is running in his full career.
    3. General course of action or conduct in life, or in a
       particular part or calling in life, or in some special
       undertaking; usually applied to course or conduct which is
       of a public character; as, Washington's career as a
             An impartial view of his whole career. --Macaulay.
    4. (Falconry) The flight of a hawk.
  2. \Ca*reer"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Careered} 3; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Careering}]
    To move or run rapidly.
          areering gayly over the curling waves.   --W. Irving.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accomplished, advance, advancement, advancing, angular motion, art, ascending, ascent, at concert pitch, axial motion, backflowing, backing, backward motion, blunder, bolt, Brownian movement, business, calling, careen, career building, careerism, chase, climbing, clip, coached, conversant, course, craft, current, dart, dash, descending, descent, downward motion, drift, driftage, ebbing, employment, falter, finished, flight, fling, flounce, flounder, flow, flux, fly, forward motion, forwardal, forwarding, furtherance, furthering, gait, game, go-ahead, handicraft, haste, hasten, headway, hie, hump, hump it, hurry, hurtle, initiate, initiated, job, labor, lick, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, livelihood, lurch, make haste, march, metier, mission, mounting, mystery, number, oblique motion, occupation, ongoing, onrush, onward course, pace, passage, pitch, pitch and plunge, plunge, plunging, post, practice, practiced, prepared, primed, profession, professional, progress, progression, progressiveness, promotion, pursuit, race, racket, radial motion, random motion, rate, reel, reflowing, refluence, reflux, regression, retrogression, rising, rock, roll, rolling, rolling on, run, rush, scamper, scoot, scour, scramble, scud, scurry, scuttle, seethe, set, shoot, sideward motion, sinking, skedaddle, skilled, soaring, specialization, specialty, speed, stagger, step, step on it, sternway, stream, stride, struggle, stumble, subsiding, sway, swing, tear, technical, thrash about, toss, toss and tumble, toss and turn, totter, trade, trained, traject, trajet, travel, tread, trend, tumble, upward motion, vocation, walk, walk of life, wallop, wallow, way, welter, work, zoom