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Pronunciation:  `disu'peeruns

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of leaving secretly or without explanation
  2. [n]  gradually ceasing to be visible
  3. [n]  the event of passing out of sight
 Synonyms: disappearing, fade
 Antonyms: appearance, appearance
 See Also: conclusion, departure, ending, evanescence, fadeout, going, going away, happening, immersion, ingress, leaving, natural event, occurrence, receding, termination, vanishing, vanishing



Products Dictionary

First published posthumously in 1987 during the post-glasnost rise of literary freedom, Disappearance is a work of earlier times. Originally begun in the 1950s, this novel of childhood moves back and forth between 1937 and 1942, two troubled years in Soviet history, when the disappearances of family and friends during the Stalinist purges and the Second World War become regular occurrences in the difficult life of a young Russian man.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Dis`ap*pear"ance\, n.
The act of disappearing; cessation of appearance; removal
from sight; vanishing. --Addison.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abscondence, absence, absence without leave, absentation, absenteeism, absenting, absquatulation, AWOL, bolt, concealment, cut, day off, decampment, default, departure, desertion, disappearing act, elopement, escape, excused absence, exit, fleeing, flight, French leave, fugitation, furlough, hasty retreat, hegira, holiday, hooky, immateriality, imperceptibility, indiscernibility, invisibility, leave, leave of absence, leaving, nonappearance, nonattendance, quick exit, running away, sabbatical leave, scramming, secrecy, sick leave, skedaddle, skedaddling, the invisible, the unseen, truancy, truantism, unexcused absence, unperceivability, unseeableness, unsubstantiality, vacation, viewlessness