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Meaning of HOMELY

Pronunciation:  howmlee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  lacking in physical beauty or proportion; "a homely child"; "several of the buildings were downright homely"; "a plain girl with a freckled face"
  2. [adj]  having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable; "the homely everyday atmosphere"; "a homey little inn"
  3. [adj]  without artificial refinement or elegance; "plain homely furniture"; "homely manners"
  4. [adj]  plain and unpretentious; "homely truths"; "letters to his son full of homely advice"; "homely fare"
 Synonyms: comfortable, comfy, homelike, homey, homy, inelegant, plain, unattractive



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Home"ly\, a. [Compar. {Homelier}; superl. {Homeliest}.]
    [From {Home}, n.]
    1. Belonging to, or having the characteristics of, home;
       domestic; familiar; intimate. [Archaic]
             With all these men I was right homely, and communed
             with, them long and oft.              --Foxe.
             Their homely joys, and destiny obscure. --Gray.
    2. Plain; unpretending; rude in appearance; unpolished; as, a
       homely garment; a homely house; homely fare; homely
             Now Strephon daily entertains His Chloe in the
             homeliest strains.                    --Pope.
    3. Of plain or coarse features; uncomely; -- contrary to
             None so homely but loves a looking-glass. --South.
  2. \Home"ly\, adv.
    Plainly; rudely; coarsely; as, homely dressed. [R.]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: affable, amiable, ascetic, Attic, austere, Babbittish, bald, bare, baseborn, basic, beautiless, below the salt, blemished, blotted, Bohemian, bourgeois, cacophonic, cacophonous, campy, candid, casual, chaste, cheerful, classic, classical, cockney, comfortable, comfy, commodious, common, commonplace, congenial, contented, convenient, cordial, cosy, cozy, cushioned, cushiony, cushy, defaced, degage, direct, disfigured, domestic, dry, dull, dysphemistic, dysphemized, easeful, easy, easygoing, elementary, essential, everyday, familiar, folksy, frank, free and easy, friendly, fundamental, garden, garden-variety, general, gracious, haymish, high-camp, homelike, homespun, homey, homish, homogeneous, household, humble, humble-looking, humblest, humble-visaged, ill-favored, indivisible, inelegant, informal, inglorious, innocuous, intimate, irreducible, irregular, kitschy, lean, least, lived-in, loose, low, lowborn, lowbred, low-camp, lowest, lowliest, lowly, luxurious, marred, matter-of-fact, mean, mere, modest, monolithic, natural, neat, nonclerical, nondescript, of a piece, offhand, offhanded, open, ordinary, peaceful, Philistine, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, plebeian, poor, pop, popular, primal, primary, prosaic, prosing, prosy, public, pure, pure and simple, relaxed, relaxing, reposeful, restful, roomy, rude, rustic, serene, severe, shabby-genteel, short on looks, simon-pure, simple, simple-speaking, single, small, snug, sober, sociable, soft, spare, Spartan, spoiled, stark, straightforward, teachable, third-estate, tranquil, uglified, ugly, ugly as hell, ugly as sin, unadorned, unaesthetic, unaffected, unalluring, unassuming, unattractive, unbeauteous, unbeautiful, unceremonious, uncluttered, uncomely, unconstrained, unconventional, undifferenced, undifferentiated, undistinguished, unelaborate, ungarnished, ungenteel, unhandsome, uniform, unimaginative, unimportant, unlovely, unofficial, unornamented, unostentatious, unpleasing, unpoetical, unpretending, unpretentious, unpretty, unsightly, unsophisticated, unstudied, unvarnished, vernacular, vulgar, warm, workaday, workday