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Meaning of PLEBEIAN

Pronunciation:  plu'beeun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  one of the common people
  2. [adj]  of the common people of ancient Rome; "a plebeian magistrate"
  3. [adj]  of or associated with the great masses of people; "the common people in those days suffered greatly"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "his square plebeian nose"; "a vulgar and objectionable person"; "the unwashed masses"
 Synonyms: common, lowborn, pleb, unwashed, vulgar
 Antonyms: patrician, proletarian, propertyless
 See Also: common man, common people, common person, commoner, folk, lowbrow, middle-class, philistine



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ple*be"ian\ (pl[-e]*b[=e]"yan), a. [L. plebeius, from
    plebs, plebis, the common people: cf. F. pl['e]b['e]ien.]
    1. Of or pertaining to the Roman plebs, or common people.
    2. Of or pertaining to the common people; vulgar; common; as,
       plebeian sports; a plebeian throng.
  2. \Ple*be"ian\, n.
    1. One of the plebs, or common people of ancient Rome, in
       distinction from patrician.
    2. One of the common people, or lower rank of men.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: average man, Babbittish, base, baseborn, below the salt, bourgeois, brutish, campy, coarse, Cockney, common, common man, commoner, commonplace, crass, Everyman, gauche, general, high-camp, homely, homespun, humble, ignoble, inferior, John Smith, kitschy, little fellow, little man, low, lowborn, lowbred, lowbrow, low-camp, low-class, lowly, mean, nonclerical, ordinary, Philistine, plain, pleb, pop, popular, proletarian, provincial, public, roturier, rude, rustic, shabby-genteel, third-estate, uncouth, undistinguished, ungenteel, unpolished, unrefined, unwashed, vernacular, vulgar, working-class