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Meaning of OFFHAND

Pronunciation:  'of'hand

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  in a casually inconsiderate manner; "replied offhand, his mind a million miles away"; "she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter"
  2. [adv]  without previous thought or preparation; "couldn't give the figures offhand"; "we decided offhand to go to Canada"; "she had made these remarks offhandedly"
  3. [adj]  casually thoughtless or inconsiderate; "an offhand manner"; "she treated most men with offhand contempt"
  4. [adj]  with little or no preparation or forethought; "his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment"; "an extemporaneous piano recital"; "an extemporary lecture"; "an extempore skit"; "offhand excuses"; "trying to sound offhanded and reassuring"; "an off-the-cuff toast"; "a few unrehearsed comments"
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 Synonyms: ad-lib, careless, extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, offhanded, offhanded, offhandedly, off-the-cuff, unprepared, unrehearsed



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Off"hand`\, a.
Instant; ready; extemporaneous; as, an offhand speech;
offhand excuses. -- adv. In an offhand manner; as, he replied
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abrupt, ad lib, ad libitum, ad-lib, affable, airily, airy, aloof, any old way, any which way, anyhow, at short notice, at sight, blase, Bohemian, brusque, bunglingly, by ear, by the by, by the way, careless, carelessly, casual, casually, cavalier, clumsily, cool, cordial, cursorily, cursory, curt, degage, devil-may-care, disregardant, disregardful, disregardfully, distant, easy, easygoing, en famille, en passant, extemporaneous, extemporaneously, extemporarily, extemporary, extempore, familiar, familiarly, flippant, folksy, forgetful, forgetfully, free and easy, glib, gracious, haphazardly, haymish, heedless, heedlessly, helter-skelter, hit and miss, hit or miss, homely, homey, impromptu, improvisatorial, improvise, improvised, improviso, in passing, inattentively, incidentally, inconsiderate, inconsiderately, indifferent, informal, informally, insouciant, irregular, jury-rigged, lackadaisical, lazy, light-hearted, loose, makeshift, messily, natural, naturally, nonchalant, oblivious, off the cuff, off the hip, offhanded, offhandedly, off-the-cuff, on sight, once over lightly, out of hand, parenthetically, perfunctorily, perfunctory, plain, plainly, promiscuously, reckless, recklessly, regardless, regardlessly, relaxed, relaxedly, respectless, sans ceremonie, simple, simply, slapdash, sloppily, smooth, sociable, spur-of-the-moment, stopgap, superficial, superficially, tactless, tactlessly, thoughtless, thoughtlessly, unaffected, unaffectedly, unassuming, unassumingly, unceremonious, unceremoniously, unconcerned, unconstrained, unconstrainedly, unconventional, undiplomatic, ungracious, unguardedly, unheedful, unheedfully, unheeding, unheedingly, uninterested, unmindful, unmindfully, unofficial, unofficially, unpremeditated, unprepared, unready, unrehearsed, unsolicitous, unsolicitously, unstudied, untactful, unthinking, unthinkingly, unvigilantly, unwarily, without ceremony