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Meaning of EMU

Pronunciation:  'eemyoo

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller
  2. [n]  any of various systems of units for measuring electricity and magnetism
 Synonyms: Dromaius novaehollandiae, electromagnetic unit, Emu novaehollandiae
 See Also: capacitance unit, charge unit, conductance unit, current unit, Dromaius, elastance unit, field strength unit, flightless bird, flux density unit, genus Dromaius, inductance unit, light unit, magnetomotive force unit, potential unit, power unit, quantity unit, radioactivity unit, ratite, ratite bird, resistance unit, unit, unit of measurement



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\E"mu\, n. [Cf. Pg. ema ostrich, F. ['e]mou, ['e]meu, emu.]
A large Australian bird, of two species ({Dromaius
Nov[ae]-Hollandi[ae]} and {D. irroratus}), related to the
cassowary and the ostrich. The emu runs swiftly, but is
unable to fly. [Written also {emeu} and {emew}.]
Note: The name is sometimes erroneously applied, by the
      Brazilians, to the rhea, or South American ostrich.
{Emu wren}. See in the Vocabulary.