Meaning of PLACE
Pronunciation: | | pleys
Matching Terms: | | Placability, Placable, Placableness, Placard, Placate, placating, placatingly, placation, placative, placatory, place bet, place down, place kick, place mat, place name, place of birth, place of business, place of origin, place of worship, place setting, place upright, placeable, placebo, placebo controlled, placebo controlled study, placebo effect, placed, Placeful, placeholder, place-kick, place-kicker, place-kicking, Placeless, placeman, placement, placement center, placement office, placenta, Placenta accreta, placenta previa, Placental, placental abruption, Placental Blood Transplantation, placental mammal, placental mammals, Placentalia, Placentary, placentation, Placentiferous, Placentiform, Placentious, Place-proud, placer, placer mining, placeseeker, Placet, place-worship, placid, placidity, placidly, placidness, Placido Domingo, Placidyl, Placit, Placitory, Placitum, Plack, placket, placoderm, Placodermal, Placodermata, Placodermi, Placoganoid, Placoganoidei, Placoid, Placoides, Placoidian, Placophora, Placuna, Placuna placenta
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment. ["The Compiler for the Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment (PLACE)", AFAPL TR-68-27, Battelle Inst, Columbus, May 1968]. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | a leg up, abiding place, abode, address, advance, agora, airspace, align, all right, all set, allegiance, alley, alleyway, allocate, allot, alphabetize, amphitheater, analyze, angle, angle of vision, anoint, Anschauung, antepast, apartment, apply, appointment, apportion, appropriate, approximate, area, arena, arise, arrange, array, arrive, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, ascribe, assign, assigned task, associate, assort, athletic field, attach, attribute, auditorium, Autobahn, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, awkward, background, basis, bear garden, bearings, belt, belt highway, bench mark, berth, billet, blind alley, boulevard, bounden duty, bout, bowl, boxing ring, bracket, break down, bring down, bull ring, bung, burden, burden with, business, buy in, buy into, bypass, byway, call, call of duty, camino real, campo, campus, cantonment, canvas, capacity, carriageway, case, caste, catalog, categorize, causeway, causey, chair, chance, character, charge, chaussee, chore, circumferential, circumstance, circumstances, circus, city, class, classify, clear stage, close, cockpit, codify, coliseum, collocate, colosseum, come about, commitment, compose, concern, condition, confines, connection, consider, continental shelf, continuity, corduroy road, correct, corridor, country, county road, course, court, cover, crash pad, crescent, crib, crown, cul-de-sac, dead-end street, deal, deal out, dedication, deference, degree, demand, department, deploy, deposit, dessert, determinate, devoir, devotion, diagnose, digest, diggings, digs, dike, dirt road, dish, dispose, distinguish, distribute, district, divide, division, domicile, domus, drive, driveway, duties and responsibilities, duty, dwelling, dwelling place, echelon, embarrass, emplace, emplacement, employment, engagement, enjoin, enthrone, entree, entremets, environs, establish, estate, ethics, exact, expressway, eye, fair field, fair game, farmstead, fasten upon, fealty, field, file, financier, finger, fitting, fix, flat, floor, flourish, footing, forum, frame of reference, framework, freeway, freight with, function, get a fix, get ahead, gig, give, go, go on, go places, good form, gradation, grade, grange, gravel road, ground, group, gym, gymnasium, habitation, hacienda, hall, hamlet, happen, have, heartland, help, helping, hierarchy, highroad, highway, highways and byways, hinterland, hippodrome, hole, homage, home, home in on, home place, homecroft, homestead, house, house and grounds, house and lot, humble, identify, imperative, impose, impose on, impose upon, improper, impute, in order, in place, in situ, inappropriate, inaugurate, incumbency, index, induct, inflict on, inflict upon, inning, innings, install, instate, interstate highway, invest, invest in, jam, job, judge, know, know again, land, lane, latitude and longitude, lay, lay on, lay out money, levy, liberty, lieu, light, line, line of duty, line up, list, lists, livelihood, local road, locale, locality, localize, locate, location, locus, lodging, lodging place, lodgings, lodgment, lot, loyalty, main drag, main road, make a splash, make an investment, make good, make out, market, market cross, marketplace, marshal, mart, mat, mental outlook, messuage, mews, milieu, misplaced, mission, modality, mode, moonlighting, mortify, motorway, must, nail, navigate, neighborhood, nest, niche, obligation, occasion, occupation, occur, office, offshore rights, OK, okay, onus, open forum, opening, opportunism, opportunity, order, ought, out of place, outlook, pad, palaestra, parade ground, parcel out, park, parkway, part, parts, pass, pave, paved road, peg, piazza, pickle, pigeonhole, pike, pin down, pinpoint, pit, place in office, place to live, placement, plank road, plate, platform, plaza, plight, plow back into, plunge, point, point of view, portion, pose, posit, position, post, posture, power structure, precedence, precinct, precincts, predicament, premises, primary highway, private road, prize ring, proper, prosper, province, public square, purlieu, purlieus, purpose, put, put down, put in, put in place, put on, put out, put upon, quarter, quarters, rally, ranch, rancho, range, rank, rate, rating, ready, realize, recall, recall knowledge of, reckon, recognize, refer, reference system, regard, regiment, region, reidentify, reinvest, relief, remember, residence, respect, responsibility, rialto, right, right-of-way, ring, ring road, risk, road, roadbed, roadway, role, roof, room, rooms, round, route nationale, row, royal road, saddle with, salient, say, scene, scene of action, scenery, scope, seat, second helping, second job, secondary road, section, see, self-imposed duty, sequence, serial order, service, serving, set, set out, set up, setting, settle, side, sight, sink, sink money in, site, situate, situation, situs, slant, slot, soil, sort, space, speculate, speedway, spell, sphere, spot, square, squared circle, squelch, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stand, standing, standpoint, state, state highway, station, status, stead, steading, stepping-stone, stick, street, strike it rich, subdivide, subject to, submit, subordination, succeed, suitable, superhighway, system, tabulate, take place, task, tax, tell, tenure, terrace, terrain, territory, theater, thoroughfare, three-mile limit, thrive, throne, through street, thruway, tilting ground, tiltyard, time, time at bat, toft, toll road, town, township road, tract, transpire, triangulate, turn, turnpike, twelve-mile limit, type, uncomfortable, universe, unsuitable, US highway, vacancy, venture, vicinage, vicinity, view, viewpoint, village, walk, weight down with, whack, where, whereabout, whereabouts, wrestling ring, wrong, wynd, yoke with, zero in on, zone |