Meaning of PASTE
Pronunciation: | | peyst
Matching Terms: | | Past, past master, past participle, past perfect, past perfect tense, past progressive, past progressive tense, past tense, past times, past(a), pasta, pasta salad, pasta sauce, Pasteboard, pasted, Pastel, pastelike, paster, pastern, Pasternak, paste-up, Pasteur, pasteurellosis, Pasteurian, pasteurisation, pasteurise, pasteurised, Pasteurism, pasteurization, pasteurize, pasteurized, pasteurized milk, Pasteurizer, Pasteur's fluid, Pasticcio, pastiche, pastie, pasties, Pastil, pastille, Pastime, Pastinaca, Pastinaca sativa, pastis, pastness, Pasto, Pastor, Pastor roseus, Pastor sturnus, Pastorage, Pastoral, Pastorale, pastoralism, Pastorally, pastorate, Pastorium, Pastorless, Pastorling, Pastorly, pastorship, pastrami, pastry, pastry cart, pastry cook, pastry dough, Pasturable, pasturage, pasture, pasture brake, pastureland, Pastureless, Pasturer, pasturized milk, pasty
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | copy and paste |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | adherent, adhesive, admixture, agglutinate, albumen, alloy, amalgam, bang, barnacle, bash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, biff, bijouterie, bind, blank, blend, bonk, bonnyclabber, box, bramble, bravery, braze, brier, buffet, bulldog, bulldoze, burr, bust, butter, cataplasm, cement, cheat, chiffon, clabber, clap, clinquant, clip, clobber, clout, clump, coldcock, combination, combo, commixture, composite, composition, compound, concoction, confection, cornstarch, costume jewelry, counterfeit, crack, cream, crush, curd, cut, dash, deal, deal a blow, decal, decalcomania, deck, defeat utterly, dental pulp, dough, drub, dummy, dumpling, egg white, ensemble, fake, fakement, fedellini, festoons, fetch, fetch a blow, fettuccine, finery, flail, flap, folderol, foofaraw, forgery, frame-up, fraud, frilliness, frilling, frills, frills and furbelows, frippery, froufrou, fuse, fuss, gaiety, gaudery, gaum, gel, gelatin, gilding, gilt, gingerbread, glair, glass, glop, glue, gluten, goo, gook, goop, gruel, gum, gumbo, gunk, hammer, haymaker, hit, hit a clip, hoax, ice, imitation, immixture, impostor, intermixture, Italian paste, jab, jam, jell, jelly, jewelry, junk, junk jewelry, knaydlach, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, lambaste, larrup, lasagne, leech, let have it, limpet, loblolly, macaroni, magma, mash, matzo balls, maul, mixture, mock, molasses, mucilage, mucus, mush, noodles, overbear, overwhelm, pap, paper pulp, pasta, patter, pelt, phony, pinchbeck, pith, plaster, plunk, poke, pommel, porridge, poultice, pound, prickle, pudding, pulp, pulp lead, pulpwood, pulverize, pummel, punch, puree, put-on, putty, put-up job, rag pulp, rap, ravioli, remora, rip-off, rob, sauce, scatter pins, schmear, semifluid, semiliquid, sham, shellac, shoddy, shut out, simulacrum, size, skunk, slam, sledgehammer, slog, slug, smack, smash, smear, smite, snap, snow under, soak, sock, solder, soup, spaetzle, spaghetti, spaghettini, spank, sponge, squash, starch, steamroller, stick together, sticker, sticky mess, strike, strike at, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, superfluity, swack, swat, swindle, swipe, syrup, thorn, thrash, thresh, thump, thwack, tinsel, trappings, treacle, trickery, trumpery, vermicelli, wallop, weld, whack, wham, whelm, whip, white lead, whited sepulcher, whitewash, whomp, whop, won ton, wood pulp, yerk, ziti |