Meaning of JUMP
Pronunciation: | | jump
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | (Or "branch") The term for a goto instruction, usually in a context of machine languages. "Branch" may be synonymous with "jump", or may refer to jumps that depend on a condition. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abandon, abscond, absquatulate, accept, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, advantage, aggrandizement, airlift, amble, ambush, amplification, anabasis, and jump, appreciation, ascension, ascent, assail, assault, attack, augmentation, avoid, bail out, ballooning, barge, barricade, be startled, beat a retreat, blitz, bloating, bob, bobble, boggle, bolt, boom, boost, bounce, bound, bowl along, breach, break, break away, break jail, break loose, broad jump, broadening, buck, buckjump, buildup, bulge, bump, bundle, bushwhack, bypass, caesura, caper, capriole, catch, catch at, cavort, chatter, clamber, clear, clear out, clearance, climb, climbing, clop, clump, coign of vantage, come at, come down on, crack down on, crescendo, curvet, cut, cut and run, cut loose, decamp, demivolt, depart, descend on, descend upon, desert, desire, development, didder, discontinuity, disregard, distance between, double space, drag, draw first blood, drop, edema, edge, elevation, elope, em space, en space, enlargement, escalade, escalate, escalation, escape, escape prison, evade, expansion, extension, fall on, fall upon, falter, fasten upon, fence, fight shy, flee, flight, flinch, flood, flounce, fly, fly the coop, flying jump, flying start, foot, footfall, footslog, footstep, fountain, freeboard, fugitate, gain, galliard, gambol, gang up on, gap, gelandesprung, get away, get clear of, get free, get out, get out of, gloss over, go at, go AWOL, go for, goldbrick, goof off, grab, grab at, grand jete, greatening, growth, gush, gyring up, hair space, half space, halt, handspring, harry, have an ague, have at, head start, hiatus, high jump, Highland fling, hike, hippety-hop, hit, hit like lightning, hitch, hobble, hole, hoofbeat, hop, hurdle, hustle, ignore, increase, increment, inflation, inside track, interim, intermediate space, interruption, interspace, interstice, interval, jack up, jactitate, jar, jerk, jet, jete, jib, jig, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jounce, jump a mile, jump at, jump bail, jump on, jump over, jump shot, jump turn, jump-hop, jump-off, lacuna, land on, lavolta, lay about one, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay on, leap, leap over, leapfrog, leave, leave loose ends, leave out, leave undone, leeway, let alone, let be, let dangle, let go, levant, levitation, light into, limp, long jump, lop, lumber, lunge, lurch, make a getaway, make off, make war on, malinger, margin, mince, miss, morris, mount, mounting, move, mug, multiplication, negotiate, obstacle, obstruction, odds, omit, overjump, overleap, overlook, overskip, pace, paddle, panic, parachute, pass, pass by, pass over, pass up, peg, piaffe, piaffer, pitch into, plod, pole vault, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, pound, prance, pretermit, procrastinate, productiveness, proliferation, put up, quake, quaver, quiver, rack, rail, raise, rebuke, recoil, reprimand, rift, rise, rising, rocketing up, roll, room, run, run away, run away from, run away with, run for it, run off, running broad jump, running high jump, running start, sail into, saltation, sashay, saunter, saut de basque, scramble for, scuff, scuffle, scuttle, seize on, set on, set upon, shake, shamble, shirk, shiver, shock, shooting up, show the heels, shudder, shuffle, shy, sidle, single space, single-foot, skedaddle, ski jump, skip, skip out, skip over, sky-dive, slack, slink, slip the cable, slip the collar, slither, slog, slouch, snap at, snatch, snatch at, snowballing, soaring, solo, something extra, something in reserve, space, space between, spasm, spout, spread, spring, spring upon, spurt, square up, stagger, stalk, stamp, stampede, start, start aside, start up, startle, steeplechase, step, stomp, straddle, straggle, stride, strike, stroll, strut, stump, surge, surprise, swagger, swelling, swing, swoop down on, swoop down upon, take flight, take French leave, take the offensive, take to flight, take wing, takeoff, taking off, test flight, time interval, tittup, toddle, totter, tour jete, traipse, tread, tremble, trifle, trip, trudge, tumescence, turn tail, twitch, twitter, up, upclimb, upcoming, updive, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrowth, uphill, upleap, uplift, upper hand, upping, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upspring, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing, uptrend, upturn, vantage, vantage ground, vantage point, vault, vibrate, waddle, wade into, wamble, waxing, whip hand, widening, wiggle, wince, wobble, zooming |