Meaning of FLASH
Pronunciation: | | flash
Matching Terms: | | flash back, Flash boiler, Flash burner, flash butt welding, flash camera, flash card, Flash EPROM, Flash Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, flash evaporator, flash flood, flash in the pan, flash lamp, flash memory, flash point, Flash ROM, flash welding, flashback, flashboard, flashboard riser, flashboarding, flashbulb, flashcard, flasher, flashflood, flash-forward, flash-freeze, flash-frozen, flashgun, Flashily, flashiness, flashing, flashlight, flashlight battery, flashlight fish, flashover, flashpoint, Flashy, flask, Flasket, flaskful
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
(Or "Shockwave Flash") A file format for delivering interactive vector graphics and animation on the World-Wide Web, developed by Macromedia. Home.
1. A program which allows one to flood another Unix user's terminal with garbage, through exploiting a common security hole in the victim's host's talk daemon. Users with "messages off" (mesg n) and users on systems running fixed talk daemons, or not running talk daemons at all, are immune. 2. See Flash Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | advertise, air, antelope, arrow, automatic response, backfire, bang, be bright, beacon, beam, beat the drum, bedazzle, blare, blast, blaze, blaze of light, blazon forth, blind, blind impulse, blink, blowout, blowup, blue darter, blue streak, bob up, bolt, boom, brain wave, brainstorm, brandish, break forth, breath, breathing, bulletin, burn, burst, burst forth, burst out, cable, cannonball, cast, chic, classy, coruscate, coruscation, coup, courser, crack, dangle, dart, dash, daze, dazzle, dazzling, debouch, deflagration, demonstrate, detonation, diffuse light, dip, discharge, display, disport, drive, eagle, electricity, emblazon, erupt, exchange colors, exhibit, exhibition, explosion, expose, express train, facula, fancy, flag, flag down, flame, flare, flare up, flare-up, flash fire, flashy, flaunt, fleeting impulse, flick, flicker, flickering, flourish, fly, fulgurate, fulguration, fulmination, gazelle, give a signal, give light, give the nod, glance, glare, gleam, gleam of light, glimmer, glimpse, glint, glisten, glitter, glow, greased lightning, greyhound, gut response, hail, hail and speak, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, half an eye, half-mast, hare, hasten, hint, hoist a banner, hold up, hurry, iffy, impulse, incandesce, indication, inspiration, instant, instinct, involuntary impulse, irrupt, jet plane, jiff, jiffy, kick, leer, light, lightning, luster, make a sign, manifest, manifestation, mercury, microsecond, millisecond, minute, moment, natural impulse, news report, nod, notion, nudge, ostentatious, outbreak, outburst, parade, peek, peep, poke, pop up, put forth, put forward, quick hunch, quick sight, quicksilver, quiver, race, radiate, radio, raise a cry, rapid glance, ray, reflex, report, ritzy, rocket, run, rush, salute, scamper, scared rabbit, scintilla, scintillate, scintillation, scoot, scuttle, sec, second, send a wire, send out rays, shaft, shake, shimmer, shine, shine brightly, shoot, shoot out rays, shot, show, show off, showy, sign, sign off, sign on, signal, signalize, skedaddle, slant, smart, snazzy, solar flare, solar prominence, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, spangle, spark, sparkle, speak, speed, split second, sport, spring up, sprint, squiz, start up, streak, streak of lightning, striped snake, stroke, sudden thought, suggestion, swallow, swish, take off, tear, telegram, telegraph, Teletype, telex, thought, thunderbolt, tick, torrent, touch, trice, trot out, trumpet, trumpet forth, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twitch, two shakes, unfurl a flag, urge, vaunt, wave, wave a flag, wave the hand, whistle, whiz, wind, wink, wire, zoom |