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Meaning of EXECUTION

Pronunciation:  `eksu'kyooshun

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Matching Terms:  execution of instrument, execution sale, execution speed, executioner

Computing Dictionary

The process of carrying out the instructions in a computer program by a computer.

See also dry run.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accomplished fact, accomplishment, accordance, achievement, acquittal, acquittance, action, adherence, administration, agency, angary, annexation, annexure, approach, art, assassination, attachment, attainment, ax, bane, beheading, block, blood, bloodletting, bloodshed, braining, bringing to fruition, burning, cantando, capital punishment, care, carrying out, collectivization, commandeering, commission, communalization, communization, completion, compliance, conduct, confiscation, conformance, conformity, consummation, cross, crucifixion, dealing death, death chair, death chamber, decapitation, decollation, defenestration, delivery, demilegato, destruction, destruction of life, direction, discharge, dispatch, distraint, distress, doing, driving, drop, effectuation, electric chair, electrocution, eminent domain, enactment, enforcement, euthanasia, exercise, expression, expropriation, extermination, fait accompli, fingering, flow of blood, fruition, fulfillment, functioning, fusillade, gallows, gallows-tree, garnishment, garrote, gas chamber, gassing, gibbet, glissando, gore, guillotine, halter, handling, hanging, heed, heeding, hemlock, hemp, hempen collar, hot seat, immolation, implementation, impoundment, impressment, intonation, judicial murder, keeping, kill, killing, lapidation, legato, lethal chamber, levy, liquidation, maiden, management, manipulation, manner, martyrdom, martyrization, mastery, mercy killing, mezzo staccato, mission accomplished, mode, murder, music-making, nationalization, necktie party, noose, observance, observation, occupation, operancy, operation, overproduction, parlando, performance, performing, perpetration, pianism, pizzicato, poisoning, practice, production, productiveness, prosecution, pursuance, realization, removal, rendering, rendition, repercussion, respect, responsibility, right of angary, ritual killing, ritual murder, rope, rubato, running, sacrifice, satisfaction, scaffold, sequestration, shooting, skill, slaughter, slaying, slur, socialization, spiccato, staccato, stake, steering, stoning, strangling, strangulation, style, success, taking of life, technique, the ax, the block, the chair, the gallows, the gas chamber, the guillotine, the hot seat, the rope, touch, transaction, tree, work, working, workings