CHOP: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
Pronunciation: | | châp
| Related Terms: | | alter, ameliorate, amputate, ax, bang, bank, barley, bash, bat, be changed, be converted into, be renewed, beam, beating, belt, biff, billow, bird seed, bisect, blaze, blow, bonk, border, bore, bottom out, box, bran, break, breakers, broadside, broken ground, broken water, buffet, bust, butcher, carve, cat food, change, checker, cheek, chicken feed, chop and change, choppiness, chopping sea, cleave, clip, clout, clump, coast, comb, comber, come about, come around, come round, corduroy, corduroy road, corn, corrugation, crack, crenellate, crenulate, crimp, crop, cube, cut, cut away, cut in two, cut off, cut up, cutlet, dash, degenerate, deteriorate, deviate, dice, dichotomize, dig, dint, dirty water, dissever, diverge, diversify, dog food, drub, drubbing, drumming, eagre, eatage, ensilage, excise, feed, fissure, flank, flop, fodder, forage, fragment, fusillade, gash, goose bumps, goose pimples, gooseflesh, grain, gravity wave, ground swell, hack, halve, hand, handedness, hash, haul around, haunch, hay, heave, heavy sea, heavy swell, hew, hip, hit, horripilation, improve, incise, indent, jab, jag, jibe, jigsaw, jowl, knock, knurl, lance, laterality, lick, lift, lop, machicolate, make mincemeat of, many-sidedness, mash, meal, meliorate, mill, mince, mitigate, modulate, multilaterality, mutate, mutton chop, nick, notch, oats, pare, paste, pasturage, pasture, peak, pelt, pet food, picot, pink, planking, plunk, poke, popple, pork chop, pound, profile, provender, prune, punch, quarter, rap, rend, revive, riffle, ripple, rise, rive, roll, roller, rough, rough water, sandpaper, Saratoga chop, saw, scallop, scarify, scend, scissor, score, scotch, scratch, scratch feed, sea, send, serrate, sever, shift, shore, side, siding, silage, slam, slap, slash, slice, slit, slog, slops, slug, smack, smash, snip, sock, spank, split, straw, stroke, sunder, surf, surge, swat, swell, swerve, swill, swing, swipe, tack, take a turn, tattoo, tear, temple, thump, thwack, tidal bore, tidal wave, tide wave, tooth, trough, tsunami, turn, turn aside, turn into, turn the corner, undergo a change, undulation, unilaterality, Vandyke, vary, veal chop, veal cutlet, veer, warp, washboard, water wave, wave, wavelet, whack, wheat, white horses, whitecaps, whittle, whop, worsen, yerk |