Meaning of BUTTON
Pronunciation: | | 'butn
Matching Terms: | | Buttock, buttocks, button fern, button hole, button mangrove, button pink, button quail, button snakeroot, button tree, button up, Buttonball, Buttonbush, button-down, buttoned, buttoned-down, buttoned-up, buttonhole, buttonhole stitch, buttonhook, buttonlike, Buttonmold, buttonquail, Buttons, Buttonweed, Buttonwood, buttony
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. push-button. 2. A graphical representation of an electrical push-button appearing as part of a graphical user interface. Moving the mouse pointer over the graphical button and pressing one of the physical mouse buttons starts some software action such as closing a window or deleting a file. See also radio button. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, anchor, armory, articulate, badge, badge of office, badges, bagatelle, band, bandage, bang, bantam, banty, bar, barrette, barricade, baton, batten, batten down, bauble, bean, bellyband, belt, bibelot, bilge, bind, binding, binding stone, binding twine, bit, blain, blazonry, bleb, blister, blob, bobby pin, bollard, bolt, bonder, bondstone, boss, bow, box hook, brace, braces, brad, braid, brass farthing, brassard, bubble, buckle, bulb, bulge, bulla, bullion, bump, bunch, burl, butt, button up, cable, cahot, cap and gown, carpet tack, cast, casting, catch, cent, chain, chain of office, chin, chine, chit, choke, choke off, cinch, cincture, clamp, clap, clasp, class ring, cleat, click, clinch, clip, close, close up, clothespin, clump, cockade, collar, condyle, constrict, contain, contract, convex, corking pin, cotter, cover, cross, curio, decoration, diminutive, dovetail, dowel, dress, eagle, ear, emblems, ensigns, farce, farthing, fasces, fasten, feather, featherweight, fibula, fig, figurehead, fillet, fingerling, fishhook, flange, flap, fleabite, fleur-de-lis, fold, fold up, folderol, fribble, frippery, funiculus, gall, garter, gate, gaud, gewgaw, gimcrack, girdle, girth, gnarl, grab, grapnel, grappler, grappling iron, guy, hair, hairpin, halfpenny, hammer and sickle, handle, hank, hasp, hawser, haywire, heraldry, hill, hill of beans, hinge, hitch, hitching post, holdfast, hook, hook and eye, hump, hunch, ingot, inkle, insignia, interlocker, jam, jest, jog, joggle, joint, joke, kevel, key, kickshaw, kingpin, knickknack, knickknackery, knob, knot, knur, knurl, lace, lacing, lapel pin, lariat, latch, latchet, leader, ligament, lightweight, line, lip, livery, lock, lock out, lock up, loop, lump, mace, mantle, markings, medal, mentum, mini, minikin, minnow, minny, miter, mockery, mole, molehill, moorings, mortarboard, mortise, mountain, mouse, nail, nevus, noose, nub, nubbin, nubble, nut, occlude, old school tie, padlock, paper clip, papilloma, pawl, peewee, peg, peppercorn, picayune, pig, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, pintle, plumb, pony, rabbet, rap, red cent, regalia, regulus, rib, ridge, ring, rivet, roller, rope, rose, row of pins, runt, rush, safety pin, scarf, school ring, screw, seal, seal off, seal up, secure, sennit, setscrew, sew, shamrock, sheet metal, shit, shoulder, shrimp, shut, shut the door, shut up, sigillography, skewer, skull and crossbones, slam, slide fastener, slip, small fry, snap, sneeshing, snip, snippet, snubbing post, sou, sow, sphragistics, spike, spine, splice, squeeze shut, staff, staple, stick, stitch, strangle, strap, straw, string, strop, stub tenon, stud, style, suspenders, swastika, tab, tack, tag, tartan, tendon, terret, thistle, thole, tholepin, thong, thumbtack, tie, tie beam, tit, toggle, toy, treenail, trifle, trinket, triviality, tubercle, tubercule, tug, tuppence, twine, two cents, twopence, uniform, verge, verruca, vesicle, vise, wale, wand, wart, wedge, welt, whang, whim-wham, wire, wisp, zip up, zipper |