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Meaning of HEADACHE

Pronunciation:  'hed`eyk

Matching Terms:  headache powder, Headachy

Medical Dictionary
  1. primary headache includes tension (muscular contraction), vascular (migraine), and cluster headaches not caused by other underlying medical conditions.
  2. secondary headache includes headaches that result from other medical conditions.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ache, aching, ado, aggravation, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, angina, annoyance, anxiety, backache, bad news, bane, bedevilment, bellyache, besetment, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, brain disease, buttonholer, can of worms, cephalalgia, cerebral palsy, chorea, colic, collywobbles, crashing bore, devilment, difficulty, disadvantage, dogging, downer, drag, drip, dryasdust, dusty, earache, emotional disorder, epilepsy, evil, exasperation, falling sickness, flat tire, fret, frightful bore, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, gnawing, great ado, gripe, gripes, gut-ache, harassment, harrying, heartburn, hemicrania, herpes zoster, hounding, humdrum, inconvenience, ischialgia, matter, megrim, migraine, molestation, MS, multiple sclerosis, nervous disorder, neuralgia, neuritis, neuropathy, nuisance, odontalgia, organic psychosis, otalgia, palsy, peck of troubles, persecution, pest, pill, polyneuritis, pressure neuropathy, priapism, problem, proser, pyrosis, radiculitis, sciatic neuritis, sciatica, sea of troubles, shaking palsy, shingles, sick headache, spastic paralysis, splitting headache, stomachache, the jerks, throbbing pain, tic douloureux, toothache, toxic psychosis, trial, trouble, twaddler, vexation, vexatiousness, wet blanket, worriment, worry