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Meaning of HUMDRUM

Pronunciation:  'hum`drum

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  tediously repetitious or lacking in variety; "a humdrum existence; all work and no play"; "nothing is so monotonous as the sea"
  2. [adj]  not challenging; dull and lacking excitement; "an unglamorous job greasing engines"
 Synonyms: commonplace, dull, monotonous, prosaic, unexciting, unglamorous, unglamourous



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Hum"drum`\, a.
    Monotonous; dull; commonplace. ``A humdrum crone.'' --Bryant.
  2. \Hum"drum`\, n.
    1. A dull fellow; a bore. --B. Jonson.
    2. Monotonous and tedious routine.
             Dissatisfied with humdrum.            --The Nation.
    3. A low cart with three wheels, drawn by one horse.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alliterating, alliteration, alliterative, assonance, assonant, banal, banausic, belabored, blah, bore, boring, broken record, broken-record, buttonholer, chanting, chime, chiming, cliche-ridden, common, commonplace, crashing bore, dim, dingdong, drab, drag, drearisome, dreary, drip, drone, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, everlasting, flat, flat tire, frightful bore, gray, harping, headache, insipid, invariability, invariable, irk, irksomeness, jejune, jingle, jingle-jangle, jog-trot, labored, long-winded, matter-of-fact, monotone, monotonous, monotonousness, monotony, mundane, near rhyme, nuisance, ordinary, pedestrian, pest, pill, pitter-patter, plain, plodding, poetryless, prolix, prosaic, proser, prosing, prosy, repeated sounds, repetitious, repetitiousness, repetitive, repetitiveness, rhyme, rhymed, rhyming, routine, same, sameliness, samely, sameness, singsong, slant rhyme, stale repetition, stodgy, tedious, tedium, the beaten track, the daily round, the round, the squirrel cage, the treadmill, the weary round, tiresome, treadmill, trot, twaddler, unchanging, undeviation, undiversified, unembellished, uneventful, unexciting, unidealistic, unimaginative, unimpassioned, uninteresting, unnecessary repetition, unpoetic, unrelieved, unromantic, unvariation, unvaried, unvarying, vapid, wearisome, wearisome sameness, wet blanket